
Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 2014: A Trip back home to Sydney

After my man quit his job, we thought we would make a quick trip back to Oz to say hi to Mum and Dad. Plus it would also be nice to see our little niece Isabella. She's one fiesty one I tell you! No crossing that lovable Izzie.. but before that, we had to check into service apartment Adina because our folks are coming to stay with us.

Our first experience with Adina quickly prove to be our last. While extremely convenient right at Townhall area, With regrets we couldnt even stay for the full 4 days and we moved back to Langham hotel by the 3rd day. It was just too freaking noisy over there at Adina..I can hear the bell and the bloody road traffic. The windows were not double glazing n the aircon doesn't work well in our first room. We gave feedback as to why we had to leave but the front desk exclaimed denial and told us they never had any complaints before. Yeah rite. Maybe people just couldn't be bothered to tell u Missy. If my old folks with not so great hearing agree it was noisy, imagine wat it does to my sensitive ears!!!

At langham, we could a room with the harbor view while folks were happy with the road view as there were hardly cars coursing thru. 

Nice eve. The skyline in oz is always breathtaking. 

We drove to Wollongong to visit my man's brother. It was a beautiful day. was rely funny that Izzie. She wants to play mummy n guess I'm her baby. Else she is shop keeper and I'm her customer. Bossy little thing but def most interesting of the lot amongst the rest of the clan. 

We taught her to press camera from my iPhone and said "Go tell Daddy u took a selfie!" She happily ran to kitchen chirping "Daddy daddy! Selfie!!" It was hilarious. I hope her mummy is ok coz she is very strict about no TV n gadget stuff. Ha! 

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