
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Catching up: Singapore Day 5. REUNION dinner at Etna!

What was supposed to be a simple dinner with my bunch of close friends from secondary days became an eventful reunion night for many.

It was an awesome REUNION dinner night at Etna (food is good!) because frankly, I havent seen some of these gals for over decades and didnt know what their lives are like till tonite.. Some are divorced, some are single parents, some partners have passed on, some have 4 kids...etc.  So it was really nice to get everyone in the same room once again and share the tales of our lives, and frankly, apart from maybe sizes and saved for some white hairs, no one has changed much. At least not the characters. The quieter ones remains so and noisy ones like us remain so too. hahaha.

Cant wait for the next gathering again!

The first group to arrive


Lobster angelhair

soft shell crab

 prizes for guessing correctly the waiter was kinda "smitten" with one of my gf...haaa haaaa. Numbers were definitely exchanged.

Time to split bill. Hahaha Chaotic

Goodness Gracious me....we all looked sooo nerdy

Calling an end to a super happy night!

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