
Monday, June 16, 2014

16 Jun: My chilli plant flowered! Yeah!

Happy, is seeing your plant finally blooming flowers:) certainly hope more will follow suit!

To think when I first started in March, they were just seedlings grown from old chilli Seeds. The journey of excitement counting leaves, to the distress of seeing them dying from neglect when we went overseas till now nursing them back to health n flourishing. 

Never thought I could be so proud of myself. Haaa haaa

The rainy week has started n the wind is strong. I'm still in 2 minds if I wanna move the chilli indoor or leave them exposed to elements in this testy period. 

Meanwhile, someone gave me some seeds to plant. They come in hairy brown pods. Absolutely no idea what they are but hey they are starting to form seedlings a week later:) Whatever they are, gonna be a huge surprise. 

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