
Thursday, July 28, 2005

The guy who won the world best looking award

Thursday, July 28th, 2005
Jas sent me an attachment on "The guy who won the best looking guy in the world title".
Expecting it to be a hoax and hold and behold! Yummy! So to share such eye candy, i positively have to brighten my darling gfs’ days…

The bits started flowing in…
Rach: "honestly, after the bling bling disappointment, i thought it was another terrible hoax….but to my pleasant surprise, it wasnt a hoax….! 
i like his look…. "
Me (couldnt stop laughing) : haa haaa haaa do u believe me when i said before i open the attachment, i thot would be a hoax too! haa ahaaa then like you, my eyes grew from small to wide open! :) heee

i cant wait for oli’s reaction!!! 100X cuter than her joe!
yeah…mine too. my big big eyes almost popped out! he is such an eye candy!

Oli: That makes three who think it was a hoax…;)    ok only lah – he looks so unreal…not earthy enough…
Rach: oli’s std quite high…. he certainly doesnt look like an alien to me! =P a perfect human being….if only there are more of such pple around, the world will be such a wonderful and beautiful place….*dreaming away*
Oli: Guess, we like dif types…that’s cool -  we are not competitors…haha  ;)
Rach: hahah…thats true…  but oh no….sista is my competitor!! but well, for our sister-ship, i will let sista have this one… =P
Oli: share ok ;) 

These gals simply blow my stress away everyday! How can anyone not be happy ard them! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Beautiful 2Karat ring

Wednesday, July 27th, 2005
Sent a pix of a supposedly beautiful "2karat" ring pix to my gfs.
I nearly died of laughter after getting their replies. Rach was the first to wrote back indicating her "Huge" disappointment.
RacH: "i was looking forward to seeing a BIG BIG diamond bling bling. how disappointing"
Oli : "Not nice at all :P Terrible Hoax!"
Rach: "yah lor sista. next time dont send such terrible hoax. make us excited over carrots?! ={ "
I couldnt help it. It was funny!
Heres a pix of the 2"Karat" ring:) Hee heee

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Horrid Airline

never again will i wanna board another M*** airline(name censored in good advice of bud). Not even if i am on tight schedule.

First of all, instead of landing us in KL, the plane actually flew all the way to Penang for landing due to "bad weather" in KL. First the captain announced "Due to technical .." "Due to bad weather, we will be landing in Penang instead" Apparently the rain was so bad that the plane couldnt make its landing and had to detour to Penang for refuel. My msian colleagues asked "Isnt Ipoh nearer" I asked her, you tell me, this is the first time i came to KL via plane instead of driving.

So that’s a super First! Whoever heard of not able to land due to rain? Storm, hail, typhoon yeah definitely, but rain??

I had hoped to find out some details from a aircrew member who walked past me. I wanted to ask if we will be just waiting in Penang or changing to another plane? And how long since i had to rearrange my transport at KL. While he was struggling to say something, his colleague snaped something in malay to him and he sheepishly went away after saying "i’ll come back to you.", which i must say he NEVER did even though his crew seat was just 1 row away from me. During landing, while the wheels were being released, i could feel my seat shaking in addition to the loud creaking sound. I didnt feel i was in safe hands.
Anycase, upon reaching Penang, i decided to come out of the plane to make a sms to my boss on the delay. "Heading for Penang Laksa now. Nope i didnt board the wrong plane, *** airline has decided to present me a truly asia tour of penang airport, coz of some heavy downpour in KL".
While waiting for my boss to reply, i looked out of the window at the plane. Guess what? I didnt see any refueling tank. Maybe it was done with refuelling but i canx help but have my doubts. The propellers on the plane towards the tail was still running. Then I only saw 4 Malay guys in bright green top standing below the plane body, pointing and looking at the plane. Now, this is definitely not a scene i was expecting. I hope they are just doing routine checks.
My boss sms me back and thought i was joking. Rain? Whoever heard of plane deter by rain in S.E.A? (Even my msian colleagues didnt believe us and thought it was a typo) What a field day.
While waiting, i heard an irate passenger asking how long the delay would be. The none helpful crew mumbled 30min, depending on the weather. The passenger rolled her eyes and said" then that mean i have to wait for an hour! This always happens!" I was dismayed… i could only hope she was wrong. Then again, the stewardess probably didnt know what was happening.
I pointed to the 4 people underneath the plane and asked my colleague. Is it really rain or is the plane that is the problem. Whatever it is, no rush. Take their time to fix whatever they have to or wait for whatever.
Close to an hour later (yep the passenger was rite), we finally were told to reboard the plane and back to KL. I was saying my prayers and crossing my fingers. The last thing i wanted was to die in a horrid plane without even being served my deserved refreshments. Guess *** airline didnt think of preparing packed refreshments. Anycase, god heard my prayer, and i landed safely in one piece, not before cringing at the violent shaking of the overhead cabin during landing and being yelled at (banged on the door) by the cabin crew to get out of the toilet, which i was only in for less than 4 mins.
The minute i reach my office, i called my admin gal to reschedule my flight and as my colleague said it best "At all cost, book us on SQ on return flight. No more *** airline please."
3 days later, the flight back to sg was utter bliss. The aircon in SQ was at max and i had to ask for a blanket which the stewardess politely obliged. Drinks were in packed and sealed container such that no trolleys was essential. Most of all, the plane was almost "silent", producing only sounds which ought to be heard. The overhead cabin also didnt shake during landing and i didnt feel my seat shake as well as when the wheels were released. Smooth landing and Amen.
Should *** Airline ever rank above SQ at anytime, i would never for the life of me understand the judging criteria then.  I would rather ride an "upside down" theme park ride anytime than take that airline again.
PS: Upon landing, i noticed the floor was slightly damp but not wet as i would expect from a thunder storm. Some passengers openly commented my inner thoughs after the plane has landed. i asked the cab driver later if there was really such heavy rain earlier in the day. Apparently, he didnt want to answer my innocent question after my colleague explained abt the delayed flight… Hmm…

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Getting the pronunciation rite

Friday, July 29th, 2005
Finally finished "The Fourth Queen" (Debbie Taylor). In essence, it was a rather forgettable read but i suppose the first chap was good enuff to make me pick it up in NZ and paid NZ$23 for it.
Again based on a true story, abt a gal named Helen Gloag who ran away, abucted by pirates and become Queen of Morocco. Something abt the book left me unsatisfied. Maybe it was just a bad timing and the book didnt blend into my current reading mood.

But another novel was a grab. "the Mystic Masseur" by V.S Napiaul. Its sly and funny and a postive recommendation for those seeking a light read.
Perhaps that why i couldnt concentrate on the Indian speaker for the seminar yesterday. While he droned on and on abt his company’s achievements, i started to chuckle as his presence reminded me strongly of the book i read.

He could have been funny but Unfortunately,the poor chap chose to focus on hardselling his company and its services, which prob backfired (judging by the empty booth later). It was a little disconcerting and a cheap shot with a captive audience that had signed up for another agenda in mind. The  chap deliberately paused at every 3 words he had to say, in futile attempt to create a "punch" in everything he had to say. Someone should tell the poor chap there is only so much "punch" one can deliver in a 30mins presentation, esp with a very rich native accent.

And this director from the MNC kept on saying"Sack-cure-ri-ti". I was just abt to crack a joke to my boss, only to see him nodding his head off. He wasnt even listening!
Incidentally to share….
"Patent" should sound like "Pair-tern" and not "Pay-tern" as many would say it. and "Abalone"… its should be as "Air-ber-lo-ni" instead of "Air-ber-lone".
Well in case u are wondering, i got "patent" wrong for the last 10 years too. but hey! at least i never once said "vomit" as "wo-mit" I am off to listen to my "Lay-dio" now.Ha ha ha!