
Friday, February 24, 2006

Last week, saying Goodbye to Work

After many months, i have finally arrived at the final week at work.

This week has been a mad week of handing over, launching of my last project and mainly packing of my cubi and of coz farewell lunches:)

I thot I would feel sad. Surprisingly, all i felt was relief and happiness.
Initially it was a struggle. I had great bosses for me to "boss" ard. ha.
But once the decision to resign was made, it was no regrets.

I never thot i would be this happy to leave my job but I actually am looking forward to the days of idling at home, doing nothing and not having to entertain "not so brillant yet stubborn" people.

After 7 years, its inevitable that junk accumulate...
So i have been shredding and giving away stuff. I dun even know how soft toys have grown to a large collection from people leaving and xmas and bdays... I dun know what to do with them so i brought them home. My mum asked me where did the box of them appear from. Oh, my mum didnt know i call it quits at work. haa haaa. In fact apart from my team, no one else even in the dept know i'm leaving. Coz i like it that way.

I hate all the fuss.
I hate answering questions.
I hate people starting to tell everyone what I'm up to.

Really, to me, It's my life. Of coz I have frens coming up to me and ask me to "tell this and that" as they may get upset for not knowing in advance. I just let it slide. I mean, what purpose does it serve whether i tell them the last day or one month ahead? Its just gossip material really. It doesnt change the fact i am going no matter whom i tell. Its just to satisfy someone's curiosity and I dun intend to account to anyone so that it can be someone else's "topic of the day".

Now my cubi has never been more empty. Such satisfaction.

At the end of the day, this is what i feel.
No matter how impt one may think you are in office, honestly, its all an illusion. The company still runs, and people will forget you in a couple of weeks once the glitches are over.

Anycase, to those within the circle, thank you for your wonderful farewell lunch, presents and kind words. Its hard leaving people behind (but definitely not the work) but the show must go on and life moves on.

I'm sure life can only get better.

Friday, February 3, 2006

Last Nite in Japan

Friday, my last walking day in Japan.... there wasnt really much for me to see and walk any more except heading back to akihabara to get my bleach figurine and more soundtracks.

So i woke up at 11am instead, the latest ever since i have reached Japan! Had my fav strawberries and jersey milk pancake and headed out to akihabara. Have to be back by 6pm for my massage tonite.

The most embarassing confession is that i am generally directionless and blind to map. I canx read maps. A japanese map make things worse. I thot i knew my way now to the anime buildings but everything looked soooo different at nite and day! While i could locate a building by the lited advertisement and signs the other nite, the noon time made everything look so alien and me so disoriented. So it took me 30mins of walking ard aimlessly to get my bearing back. Finally i saw one building i recognise and realise i was on the opposite side! Arrrggghh!

I found my Bleach figures, the whole set at least 20% cheaper! its ridiculous!!! So despite knowing my bag is full, i had to get it!!!!! Didnt help my injured aching fingers of coz but it was worth it!

Anyway, if you are going to Japan to look for Anime Figurines or dvds or vcds, here's the street directions. Take the Tokyo subway, stop at Akihabara station (Hibiya grey line). Exit at exit 2. Head towards Crossfield building where alot of construction is going on. You should see cross field on your left and the station mall on your left. Keep walking as you walk under some road bridge or watever is that. As you emerge past the overhead, you will see AniMATE building on your right and you are there. Canx miss it with all the buildings covered with anime pixs. I find it by sheer luck i think... so i hope someone will find my instrcutions useful at least.

Was pretty tired after combing thru the street again and headed back to hotel. I couldnt resist having a go at the Pintokona sushi (url link) again at roppongi. I only intended to have 3 plates and ended up with 10 plates of sushi! so much for my light lunch!

Didnt have much chance to sleep. So ended up early for my very expensive spa massage ( ~$200) and used the hot steam room and bath soak to relax my muscles first etc. I DUN normally spend that much just on a massage but my tight riveted shoulders sorely needs some gentle touch.....

Okie guys prob canx appreciate this but gals would. The Nagomi spa had every detail attended to down from usual cosmestic stuff to even providing individually wrapped new hair bands, stopping short of perfume of coz. (Ha!) I eyed at the hair band for the longest time... i know i shouldnt but but but.......I felt I am paying for it afterall so i took an extra hair band. haaa haaa. Confession of my little "theft" online, how "stupid". I swear I truly did feel alittle guilty and keep looking ard sheepishly if anyone spot me! Esp in Japan when honesty is a valued virtue... Ashamed but still wanted to keep that extra hairband anycase coz its pink and neat and good quality and "free" heee heeee. Cheap singapore trait at work here ;p

Anycase, wont talk too much abt the massage except it was really good and the therapist knows WHAT SHE IS DOING. In singapore, many times i felt short changed coz the therapist treated me like a piece of meat and just knead me like a dough, without actually attending to my tight muscles. They just are concern abt time and doing their job. What i had in Japan was glorious. I had been skeptical at first coz she looked so sweet and gentle. But when she started her trade, she was really good and her strength was more than adequate. And she got all my knots out. Of coz miracles are impossible in a 60min session but she certainly did my back much good. I think training and attitude made a lot of difference in this profession....

Anycase, after massage, i changed and headed out to Dadaiya at Ginza-1 building, level 2. Almost got lost coz the taxi driver did not turn in and drop me off at the main road infront of Ginza-2 building. What was cute was the GPS system that actually had a voice enabled system that guide the driver to destination with ARROWs on the display screen before any traffic light. Its like those PS2 games display. haa haadamn cool. No wonder it is so expensive but at least you will never get lost!

Back to my hopeless search, hate to do it but once again relied on my poorly spoken japanese and asked for directions. Luckily for me, the security guard was able to give directions in "bullet" form like how i use to learn directions in my jap course! Walk straight, cross traffic light, on the left side, 2nd floor.. He even asked me if i knew what "Shingo" was. I was so relieved I understood him. Nodded furiously like a stupid nodding toy. ahaa.

Food was alrite. It was a local hangout and so no partitions to block out the smoke that was threatening to choke me to death. Luckily the Indian waiter gave me a back seat and it was less smoky. Mainly finger food but still tasty and cheaper than the previous dinners. What was funny was i was sitting opposite these 2 couples at a table. I think it was a double date. Funny how each guy only focus and talk to their female partner ignoring the rest. Even when one of tne guys went to loo, the gal was left completely alone. I was thinking, then why the hell are you 4 sitting together???!!!!

Then my macho looking male waiter spotting a beard, and who looks like a cross between manly model wannabe or a smartly dressed gigolo decide to serve me with the sort of look that says "I'm too good for you". Granted he does have some X factor but i do wanted to spill water on him and fluster him a little just to destablise him. haa haa. okie evil thots...

Left the dinner rather quickly and went back to pack. My luggage was threatening to burst at the seam. I had to sit and sit on it so the zippers would shut. I crossed my fingers it wont burst half way! At that moment, how i wished i had brought an additional bag!!!! Too late for regrets.. arrrghhhhhhhh....

Time for bed. I so dread to wake at 6am tmw! wahhhhhaaaah

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Mount Fuji & Melting juicy Beef Teppanyaki

Read the paper this morning during breakfast and it was reported that there was a earthquake of 5.1 last nite at 8.36pm. Lilian felt it during dinner last nite and I didnt really believe her coz i didnt feel anything. Maybe i was too busy munching on the stewed beef cheek to notice. Perhaps Shunju was at the basement and so i couldnt really feel much movement but it was only like for the split second sort of thing.
Anycase, headed out to Mt fuji today. Was really lucky coz the sun was out and the clouds were nice enuff to make way for a clear view of Mt Fuji! Actually, it looked alot like Mount Matterhorn in Zermatt in switzerland to me except in swiss, there were more snow and the cap was more snow covered. Still i am not complaining! It is pretty but unfortunately i couldnt see the view from the second mountain across in Hakone.

What was even more a pity was i didnt get to go up the 5th station coz of the snow last nite and the people havent cleared the road from snow yet. So we only get to stop at Fuji Subaraline to get some view frm there. The road was half cleared of snow and all still by the side. But the weather looks really perfect! And if u notice, i actually got warmer and took off my yellow sweater, left with my blue top coz it really was not cold.

Sigh. Oh well, god made it fair. At least i did have a super clear view and got to take a nice picture with it at the tourist visitor center observatory deck.

The guide brought us to Peace Garden in Hakone in exchange and it was pretty quiet and serene. However, the peacefulness of the place was ruined by the chinese tourists as usual. It was a Gold Goddess of Mercy (bigger than life size) housed in a dome shaped white structure that looked a cross between Thai and india style. There were even 4 statutues of the goddess in 4 different style just like the 4 faced gods from thailand. And it has a row of lions that had Taiwan, Korea, Thailand and India plates on it. Since there was no english explaination, i didnt know much was it meant.
I even had a go at "ringing" the small bell with the wooden log! Despite the small size, the sound was loud and clear and could be heard for far distances! Now i understand why back in olden days, bells were used as a form of alert or alarm as the whole villages can hear it loud and clear! Effective and "music" to the ears. It was those sharp shrill ringing like we get in cities....
We headed to the second highest mountain next to Fuji to try to get an eve view but Alas, the clouds totally hide Mt Fuji. I could see it with naked eyes of the obscured Fuji but it wasnt worth the shot. So i didnt take much pictures there. It was cold up up there, really cold. The only place apart from Nikko where i needed gloves on before it feels numb. The grounds were covered with thick snow at the downslopes, which i used to clean my shoes covered with mud when i climbed the hill to get to the top.

I booked to return to Tokyo via shinkansen since i wanted to try almost everything, plus i didnt trust the road conditions at nite to come back. The last thing i want is to be stuck in a jam. In fact, i was lucky coz i reached the train station early and got back earlier by 40mins while the rest of the poor folks prob suffered on the bus.

Was tired and so i didnt wanna go far tonite for dinner. the front desk recommended teppanyaki steak at Seryna at roppongi. It was located in the seedier part of roppongi full of nite clubs which i didnt realise much later after dinner.
It was an excellent recommendation. ordered the super chief set (cost abt 16 000yen = S$250) and the lobster was sweet and the beef was superbly done to pink. When i pop the cubes into my mouth, the juices oozed out and it melts into my mouth. It was the best beef i have ever tasted. It was soft, juicy and tender. The portions wasnt exactly small either, just the usual slab. The desserts was so so. I guess dessert isnt very well done in japan no matter where I go so i have learn to tone down my expectations. but food wise, they really do it supremely well and with all the fresh ingredients, there is no doubt that every penny is worth while.

As i head out and try to take the picture of the Tokyo Tower, i realise i was in a rather seedy street! It was full of Black guys trying to lure men into the bar and nite clubs. one black guy even asked ME to go to have massage! I was like "Duh?!" I politely declined and hasten my speed back to Hyatt which is on the other far end and certainly more up market. I felt like i was in the outskirts of new york rather than tokyo for a minute. So i didnt take any pictures till i reach back Grand Hyatt.

I hopped over to the supermarket and bought more strawberries and jellies! i love the jellies here esp the mandarin ones. Strawberries are to die for!They are sooooo juicy and sweet! incredible. Of coz we can get it back at isetan scotts back in singapore but they are much much cheaper here. Also, i fell in love with this Jersey Milk cream pancake and its sooooo soft and delicious. Not every supermarket sells it though and only seen it in this 24hr supermarket called "Foo:D magazaine" place at Roppongi.

Did i happen to mention i see alot of China women in Japan and in Hyatt? Whoever says that China is full of poor people or average earners prob havent seen these people hoarding their cash at home. These people are cash rich. They have like wads of cash and its impossible to imagine whatever they are working as to earn their keep. Does china really pay them THAT well? And the few couple i saw doesnt even speak english well so i dun think they works in MNC. I find it incomprehensible. maybe the rest of the world have been big suckers and plonking money there and all the failed businesses are making these native people rich in return. ha ha. of coz i am speculating but it really make one wonders. Afterall, one has to realise alot of joint ventures do fail unless u know someone or rather, you can trust someone there. Even so, its better that you are there yourself.

okie I digress.. i am straying from my trip memo. So much things to write but so little energy. So i prob forget here and there. Will load the pictures later when i get back to Singapore.

Hopefully i get to see some bean featival tomorrow but i so wanna sleep in since i have to fly back on sat. Oh i so hate to leave Japan. I really really love it here. its the sort of place i think all the world shld emulate with the good traits of coz. I dun like the suppress or repress culture nor the heavy smoking. I do not like the traditional old timers being so sexist and discriminating towards the female and i canx believe they are still debating about having the princess ascending the imperial throne for fear of her marrying a "blue eye" boy as written in the papers (like as if the guys wont marry a blonde chick). But i certainly do love the "consideration", order and discipline they have in this society. Everything is so well thot of and well placed and automated. Food is great, people are polite and service is great. Hygience is great too except the train stations toilet are great. Then again, train stations world wide are the same, they stink. haa haaaa.

i like the peace and order. Oh how i wish for world peace and that everyone can have this sort of ideal place to live in without all the silly fighting and war. Why built nuclear when u shld build gardens. Why use technology for war when you should use it for enhancing food harvest? People are just so strange. The only species who loves destructions and stop at nothing to ruin what is left beautiful by mother earth.

Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Nikko day2 and back to Tokyo

Wednesday. 1 Feb 2006 (Pictures of Nikko)

The people here wake up early man. I planned to get up at 7am but of coz i didnt get moving till about 8am. The futon people came to try to pack the bed twice but i was too reluctant to get off the wam bed considering the room outside was cold as i didnt leave the heater on the nite before. I had to tell them to come back later. considering that i was that sleepy, my instructions in japanese actually came out instinctively. That has to be the most complete and perfect jap sentence i have ever constructed in this trip as i didnt and wasnt trying to think so hard.

The breakfast sucks big time so i 'm not gonna talk about it. I went down to the recept to find out the time for the bus to kinugawa onsen station to change to tobu nikko, only to find out that i had 10mins before the bus arrives! oh my god! panic! I had to run all the way up to the room like a mad cow and grab my stuff and run all the way down to try to catch the bus.

Luckily caught the morn 9.20am bus and left for the station without a hitch. Reached Tobu Nikko and bad news, it was raining. What is worse was i didnt know where the bus stop was even though i bought the world heritage pass and free bus and all. So i had to ask the very nice guy at the ticket counter and asked for assistance. The bus stop was right outside ahead and so i bought the umbrella, armed with no map and hopped on. Again, smartly, i had gone to the tourist info counter on monday when i was in asakusa and asked for instructions and so i had the bus stop instructions and number and time schedule on hand. All i had to do was wait and show it to the bus driver! See the smug look on my face when i alighted the bus at the first stop of my sightseeing!

Rain made everything wet and i was cold. Didnt help when i stupidly left my ski outer jacket in the hotel and i didnt have my thermals on. Only my wild rose polartec jacket, t-shirt and a fleece jacket. Thank god for my scarf and i rem my gloves. My hands would have fallen off and gone numb if not for the gloves!

The bus driver got me off the right stop and i found the coupon exchange booth without a glitch. Thank god. She doesnt speak english of coz and couldnt tell me more. I asked for where the return bus was and she point to somewhere on the map. So i take it i would find my way. Everything is very orderly, organised and well planned here so getting lost is never really a big concern. Plus i could manage to say i want to go to a particular desination, so any taxi driver would be happy to help:)

When i reach the temples, I was mightily impressed. No wonder its a world heritage site!! The buildings were goergeous. Now this is what i had hoped to see. Comparing to the tokyo temples, this is like heaven! The architecture was beautiful and very well preserved, and most of all, nothing here is reconstructed like in tokyo (due to WWII).

[ side note: when i was at Meji Shrine in day 1, the intro board said the shrine or this certain part was reconstrcuted due to fire. But what they missed out on saying was fire due to WWII which i read from Lonely planet. I guess its a taboo not to mention anything about the war in Japan.]
Anycase, i love toshogu shrine the most. The climb to the tomb passing thru Sleeping cat was a long ardous climb uphill. (Consolidated Nikko Pictures) Ain't the most flattering pix. looked so fat in two layers of pants and all! but at least am warm and snug. Dunno why Japan women rather freeze and bare their legs... cannot fathom the logic.

Oh, it snowed in Nikko! It made everything looked even prettier and white and picture perfect! I would have hated the rain coz it would be cold and wet but snow, snow is good. Its easier to walk too coz its non slippery!

What spoils it a little is the tourists from Hong Kong and taiwan, especially Hong Kong. They are loud, they do not read signs, they do not take off their shoes where its required and wet and dirty the floor for others who try to take off shoes to enter some parts of the shrines. Its irritating really. I mean, why canx they respect the place they visit and its a shrine for goodness sake. So i had to bear the consequences of getting my socks wet when i took off my shoes and it was freezing cold mind u. The chill went straight up my feet!

I enter this shrine that has a huge drawing of drawing on the ceiling. It was small place. No pictures allowed. Didnt understand what the priest was trying to tell me until he clap this wooden thing. OH! The area where the dragon was had very nice echo but the rest of teh temple didnt. So i see! For that, i got my feet cold and wet. A little let down. Then got out and the bunch of HK people were again stomping all over. Sigh. Until the priest come out and told them off and to take off shoes which they refuse and so they went off, not before leaving the whole board area for walking wet. "Thanks" lot U "brillant" people.

Generally the whole place is really architecturely beautiful, oriental, orginal, detailed and colourful! I had a good thing admiring the structures and the cravings. Although Angkor wat had the same amount of elaboration, it wasnt coloured. So you can imagine how vibrant the scenery was amid the white snow.

What was really funny was when at the last shrine, Futarasan, there was this "sacred" pond. And in it was a very visible sign that says "Do not throw coins into sacred pond". Guess what. No body seems to care and the whole spring pond was full of coins everywhere. It was pretty funny to me and so i took a pix of the entrance and the sign to rem by. I should have written a Note in CHINESE since I doubt the taiwanese and HK senior folks knows Jap and English resulting in the coin litter. I thot to myself, would i be doing them a service if i pick up all the coins and go? I bet there is a $100 bucks there! haaa aaa

Anycase, manage to finish sightseeing by 1pm and head off to kinugawa onsen. had lunch at this small quaint Obasan soba shop. Its family owned so its shop cum home. very intersting. but cheap and good.

came back to tokyo and finger was still hurting. darn. hope i didnt break anything. rushed off to shunju restaurant (near roppongi) for dinner with lilian and it was a pretty nice place. She is 6 weeks away from labor and so we went somewhere closeby. Plus she is just staying next to hyatt and made it easy to meet. Food was good esp the beef cheek! The stewed pork with fats was just as good man! But i wasnt too impressed with the squid dish. Their apple juice from their farm was extremely sweet and couldnt resist having 2! The price came up to about 18 000yen and it was cheaper than ninja tv dinner. Satisfied and good.

I love to upload some more pixs but not tonite. Too tired and have to be up early for My fuji tomorrow. After Nikko, the weather in tokyo tonite was nothing. Not bothered by the wind tonite. Went to Supermarket first though and got some strawberries. they are soooooosweet here! Dunno why. Went to this bookstore cum cafe with cd and dvd for rental... such a cool and hip place. I love it. Why canx singapore has such cool chill out place and its 11pm and everything is still in operation. sigh.

okie really gotto sleep or am in trouble tmw.
Mt Fuji yeah yeah yeah (pray can see something! no rain please!!!)
*crossing fingers and toes*