
Thursday, March 2, 2006

Another birthday, came and gone

Another Birthday gone by, another year passed.

Do i feel any older at this instant, nope. Was telling the gals, you know you have hit old age when you start caring about eye cream, when you start paying abit more attention to articles that talks abt whitening and anti wrinkles, but most of all, when you kinda stop wearing short skirts (halfway up your thighs sort) and parade down the town and staying up late just to party. Changes just occur naturally.

The other day someone asked me "How old are you?" ,I paused. Not becoz I was trying to hide my age or rubbish like that, but i truly forgot how old i was at that very instant.

My mind was a blank. I had to actually deduct backwards from my year of birth before i could answer him. I realise, I had stop counting for many years now. How old is just a number, and the number although dictates in some way the way one should carry themselves or behave, it doesnt restrict the state of mind. Sometimes when i'm realy tired, i do feel older. Yet most of the time, i still feel like a kid in some ways. Funny isnt it? There will always be a child in us no matter at what age we are. Yet attached to it, is a certain level of sentiments and emotional thots. Its not the same as getting emotional, just a state of feelings that you know that some times have gone and will never come back.

Birthday this year had been fantastic. For I spend it with the closest frens and i was happy thruout. They took leave that day just to hang out. My first birthday that i really didnt have to care about work after 7 long years. Its a relief yet quite contentment. Being with people whom you care and who cares about u is the sort of best thing. Plus the fact i'm leaving town made it all the more special.

That relaxing afternoon at mariott having Hi -Tea with them just sitting and chatting and laughing, its a treasure. Its something that i will always look back with fond memories.

Thanks you gals.

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