
Sunday, March 5, 2006

The week after quitting work

have such an accumulated list of things for the past 2 weeks that there is simply no way i can remember everything to jot it down.

All in all, it was a super hectic week running ard getting my errands done! Not to mention all the farewell lunch and dinner. It was so sweet of everyone and i was truly touch.... I didnt know i had collected such a large garden of good frens over the years at work! I had a really nice hairband from anna and my fav Banana Republic perfume from Jas!

Jas gave me a lovely card and it has been ages since I received much card. I was chuckling away when i saw the part abt me being the most indignant person! haa ahaaa. Anyways, everyone's doing the email thing now which kinda made it impersonal. I will bring it to HK with me and remind me of the good old days and everything nice being said! haaa haa

So on wed, thurs and fri, it was like lunch and dinner all the way with different people and i was stuff. Not to mention i felt like a walking sushi and sashimi coz everyone said i shouldnt take chinese food since i would have tons in HK. So i prob had all assortment and variety of Jap food in my tummy swirling around:)

Then i had to rush off to my spa and manicure before my package get wasted for i may potentially forget them!

By weekend, I was dead beat and i had to spend some time clearing my room. All the junk from office. I didnt know one can collect so much junk after 7 years. Not to mention the tons of soft toys that everyone gave me over the years! Suddenly i could no longer see my wine bottles being concealed by all the furs:)

Sunday was great!

Anna came over to my place and we had a good "soak" in the pool for like 3 hours plus. I was starting to clear my wine in my place too to free up some fridge space for my mum:) So i tried the campus Apple Ice wine. Initially we werent use to it. It wasnt as sweet as inniskillin but after a while, it tasted all rite esp with my mummy's pork rib which we brought to the pool. In fact it was just nice.

Women know no bounds to chatting:) I had her stay for dinner and she wanted to learn the recipe from my mum. She asked me why i wasnt as good a cook as mum when i have a chef at home. Its impossible to learn from mum coz she could never tell u all the ingredients at one shot! I'm too impatient! When anna went up, we both laughed coz my mum told her "Just soy sauce and sugar!" I told anna, "SEE WHAT I MEAN!" Slowly as you probed, the other ingredients surface. It takes like 15mins just to get recipe for a dish! I'm out of the kitchen! :) Anna faithfully copied everything and promised to email me once she got it working:) Good luck gal!

By 9.30pm Anna had to go home and I had the next round of guest to entertain:) Am meeting yeefei who is driving to my place coz she would be flying off the shanghai by the time i feel. So i opened another riesling i brought back from New Zealand and we went down to the pool as well to chat. By the time i realise, it was close to 1am and we decide to call it aday. She had a morn flight to catch. I was so touched again that she made the effort to drop by. Too bad dinner with alex, bill and rachel didnt materialise.

I was dead beat. After my shower, i slept like a baby, prob too much wine:)

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