
Friday, February 29, 2008

Vday drinks

It was Valentine day in between my visit to Singapore and it was rather sweet of some of my frens to pop over the hotel just for a quick hug and short round of social drinks.

Eric and Jennifer finished dinner and they called to meet at Mezza 9 for a quick chill. Eric of course didnt miss his dig at me for not calling him when i was back. He only knew of my return via Jen. I sheepishly endure his teases since he rather insists I had previously promised to catch up when i was back in my last trip back...So well, his beer was on me for the nite. :P However, my pineapple was on Jen as an advance bday treat! Ha! Lucky me :P

Obviously i was the most underdress in demin skirt and polo top that nite (esp on a VDAY nite out!) but honestly, who cares. I prob was the only one staying in the hotel too judging from the crowd... Plus I wasnt out to impress anyone least of all in a bar. Me and jen had a quick scan and jen was quick to inform us that it was a horrible scene, too many " 'Pretty' young things with super ugly OLD man..."

Halfway thru, we tried to get manwin but his mobile was flat. So instead, lucky me got Norm instead. He was near orchard cinelesiure so he walked over for a quick one in the last half hour before we split. Jen had to be home by midnite so we took the chance to grab a pix. Its amazing how quickly time flies and now we have all except for Eric depart our previous company and moved on to other paths.

So pixs for the old work gang to rem the nite by!

Good trip to Msia, JB

Boy was I stuffed with good food while staying with my uncle in Msia.
My uncle brought us to this seafood place by the sea which as the best view of singapore sembawang shipyard lit up like a xmas ship!

The following day, he brought me to have this fantastic Bak Ku Teh. The otak was so meaty and full of flavour, and spice too!!! It was all so yummy-licious good! As usual my uncle refused to let me buy him and my cousins any meal. He always insist on paying. I felt bad really but I didnt want to make a fuss either. So we promised it will be my treat the next time he is out in sg.In between, my cousin who is a certifed beautician even gave me and my mum a deep facial massage. It felt heavenly to be pampered! My other cousin and her husband who specialised and has their own herbal plants plot had us soaking our feet in herbal hot soak to relieve tiredness and supposedly draw out toxins from our feet. Apparently they are pretty popular locally and even has singapore tour bus shuttling people to visit them. Its especially good for people who cannot handle western medications and for those recovering from chemo for long term conditioning back of their bodies. I saw all the newspaper cutting and all. Impressive. They even have a master called lily wong or something.

My mum swears she felt better but i didnt feel any much more different except relaxed! Then again, I have always been radically a non believer in miracles of western and eastern remedies that can make u feel instantly) refreshed. It's not that I dun believe in them working, I'm just a natureal skeptic. Maybe I aint that old yet that's why. Ha!

All in all a fabulous trip, considering there was so much catching up to do. We screeched and laughed so hard behind closed doors that my mum came in to check and we shooed her out. Girls talk mum! (esp when we are swopping dirty sexy stories about others! haa haa)

These are my best and closest cousins, my childhoos playmates and partners in crimes. Ben even remembered one of our childhood cartoon TMNT and went "Kawabanga" in one of his promise to visit us next year. I would have loved to stay another day but i couldnt with my dinner appointment with a uni old fren. No matter, it was certainly a well worth trip to JB!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Manhunt for escaped militant suspect in Singapore

Errrr.... can someone enlighten me how on earth did they let such a crucial "suspect" escaped???!

Manhunt for escaped militant suspect in Singapore (extract)
An intense manhunt was under way Thursday for the alleged leader of the Jemaah Islamiyah militant network in Singapore following his escape from custody.

Mas Selamat bin Kastari, who was accused of planning to hijack a plane and crash it into Changi Airport in Singapore, escaped Wednesday from the Whitley Road Detention Centre, the home affairs ministry said.

"We confirm that he has not been captured as yet," a spokeswoman told AFP. The ministry said Kastari walks with a limp and was not known to be armed.

The Straits Times reported that thousands of police were assigned to the manhunt but Home Affairs told AFP it could not provide numbers.

Dozens of paramilitary Nepalese Gurkhas from a special Singapore Police contingent were deployed every few metres along roads surrounding the detention centre, near the upscale Raffles Town Club, late Wednesday.

The Whitley Road facility holds prisoners detained by the Internal Security Department.

Despite its compact size and high population density, Singapore has thickly forested nature reserves and water catchment areas that can provide escape routes and hiding places for a fugitive.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Experience at Immigrant checkpoint to Malaysia

Took a short trip to Malaysia with my mum to visit my uncle and cousins. To disbelief of many, I have not been to Jb for over a decade, and least of all, I have never been through the new immigrant checkpoint on foot. So it was like a mini excursion for me, a new exploration. I let my mum led the way.

Surprisingly the Q moved rapidly and there was little fuss at the immigration. Technology has progressed and so has the speed. Probably being a monday, there was also little human traffic to contend with. Despite assuring my mum that we no longer need the arrival and departure "white cards" to get into Malaysia (since i had read the official annoucement over the news prior being back in sg), my mum tried to seek assurance from the singapore officials while they were scanning her passport. The result? They told my mum "They (the official) werent sure and told my mum to try again at the Malaysia checkpoint.

I was alittle miffed that despite official announcement being out from the minister in Malaysia in the newspaper, our singapore staff working specifically at the checkpoint could so balantly be so ignorant of our neighbours policy changes. Why such disregard and uncertainty, only the Singapore bosses of such staff can answer. It's not like the policy changes wasnt broadcast in the news!! So it doesnt matter to these officials if our own senior citizens get into "trouble" across the waters simply because their job was just to "STAMP" the passport and nothing else? My mum was still a little worried but I told her "it's ok, i am sure she didnt need the white cards." Sure enough when we reach the Malaysia customs, no mention of the white card was made.

I wonder whose job it is to "educate" our Singapore Immigration checkpoint staff? Shouldnt such a policy change be communicated to the staff and debriefed on at least the changes even if no details were available? Or was it left to the initative of the custom staff to do their own research and read the papers on their own to catch up on changes? If so, then our staff are deplorably under reading their dosage of news, almost disgraceful.

If a fellow travellor cannot even seek assurance from our immigration staff before heading to the unknown across the water, I wonder what is the use of having a human stationed there. Might as well replace them all with mindless machines and cut such useless human cost.

2nd round of reunion dinner

Had dinner at Peony Jade for 2nd round of reunion gathering with my ex work colleagues. The food was surprisingly good and service was pretty good too. Though most of us have to agreed that most dishes were abit too spicy for the kids. In between there was even a lion dance to add to the jolly though the accompanying "music" was too loud for alot of babies and kids there in an enclosed space.

CK's daughter Shermaine was adorable. Instead of being put off by the loud banging sound, she actually went forth and pat the lion head while the people underneath the gear was arranging the peeled oranges into word. I was grinning at her when she turned around and looked at us with innicent joy. After which, many adults actually followed suite and brought their babies to tap the lion head! Ha haa.

After the sumptuous dinner, we moved on to the "stage" and have our annual group picture. It's incredible to see this "family group" of ours is getting bigger every year! While the planning has always been a hassle and much stress for the organisor to try and fit everyone's schedule (poor anna this year!), I'm glad that most of us took the time and effort for the annual gathering for the 5th running year! It's probably gonna get harder with more and more kids joining in every year. Still, looking back, it's pretty worth while afterall!

Monday, February 25, 2008

"Highschool" New year gathering!

Went to my girlfren's abode for our group gathering this year. Her husband has been a great host after informing me that he has been charged to entertain me. What an honour to be served by an RI boy! haaa haaaa. Moo Moo of course didnt forget to prepare my cans of coke, having bought them weeks in advance:) See! Best frens are good for remembering all your old habits and fav drinks without prompting :P Whaa haaa haaaa. In return, I brought along Ding tai feng's Yusheng for everyone.

This year would be different as little ones would be joining in and I so look forward to each one! I havent seen Moo Moo's daughter since she was born! Big cheeks and boris were also there and I guess they havent reach an age where they learn to mingle yet. Instead, they were singularly focus on their own toys and of course, cakes!

Tracy and hubby brought along the famous Black forest cake (with rum!) while Lynette got us a really pretty and yummy mango cake! It was dessert feast and big cheek was especially delighted! Luckily for me, big cheek always been happy for me to carry her without any resistance and she is just such a sweet obliging princess, with a smile to break hearts:) There was a funny episode where it shows how little i knew children's toys. In one single moment, I prob had reversed tracy and Wf 's efforts in guiding big cheeks to hold the musical instrument correctly, by passing the wrong side of the stick to her to play with. Just when daddy was proudly annoucing recently that jerlene knew how to play a xylophone correctly (Ooops! Sorry daddy and mummy! heee heeee)
Little Boris was alright with me for a short while before very quickly arching for his dad and mum. Had to pass him over before I trigger any tears:)
Little faith has to leave before Boris arrive and so we had 2 seperate group pix sessions. But the 2nd time round, i proclaimed i wanted to be next to lyn because i didnt want to look like "head of the family" being in the middle! That had everyone laughing for a good while:)

A brand new lunar new year

As most friends could attest, I have never been any fan of Chinese New Year.

Comes this year however, I had felt slightly differently about it after having to fly home for it. Reunion dinner suddenly had a more significant meaning and anticipation to be with family members that are "out of daily reach" easily. Despite all modern technology and all, nothing beats being at home in person.

Mum as usual was busy with her annual cookfeast, whipping up a storm of goodies. This chinese new year has an added layer of significance, especially so because we are surrounded only by people that is truly part of this family.

It's a good year because despite previous insignificant interlude, everything good has remained and whatever else that had been irrelevant and nonworthy of our lives has bite dust. Cheers to that!We had good laughs, traditional sibling chit chats over the table while mum dish out our favourite milk tea to sip over our sharings for the past years. I think outsiders will never be able to comprehend the bonds we have. It may appear seemingly frail and non existent but in reality, unknowing people would not understand the strong intricate bonding we share.

This year has been a nite of story telling, oh what an account it had been! It was a nite where we learnt how self delusional some people could be in this world, not to mention inventing a whole junk of tarradiddble of their own life with half truths and baloney. Quite a psycho really.

Afterwards, my adorable nephews started a new game of combing my hair. I didnt know where this sudden interest triggered from but I guess for this year, I have become a live doll to play with for the 2 fellows. And in between, we had to play battle of the field with imaginery guns and shields going "bang bang bang" for a good part of the nite.

Its funny seeing them and thinking about the years we were growing up, me and my brothers. The funny mischiefs they got into with me as sole witness, and the grand execution of building our own domino thru the whole house with all the casette tapes available. The moments they broke the glass wall lamps with their footwork while playing football in the house, and others with inquistive me dismantling and destroying their gadgets, unscrewing a red national hand carried radio and many more, sending my brothers into bouts despairs and frustrations... Sure brings a chuckle at the thought of it.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Crappy "Jumper"

If anyone is thinking of watching the movie "Jumper", I would frankly say "save it". Unless u are a great fan of the actor, or some non spectacular CGI effects, or really have nothing to do with 2 hrs of your life, otherwise, this really isnt the movie for u.

The trailer looks fantastic, and since i truly had nothing to do after 10pm in Singapore, I headed to the movie theatre.

It's not boring, but it simply has no storyline, no plot and an actor who perpetually had the same expression as seen in his other movies such as Star Wars, and Shattered Glass. The glaze, "I really dun want to do this" look with 45 angled eyes on screen.

Don't get me wrong. I thought Hayden Christensen was pretty good in the movie "Shattered glass", but only because it was a relatively gripping movie with an actual story to tell. In jumper, there was no begining, no proper ending, and really no bite! In fact, apart from retaining the 2 main characters name, the movie script strayed so ridiculously far from the novel that it might as well been from a different book!

The original book had a theme, about him fighting terrorist as a result of an incident. Not that the book is really interesting either, but at least there was a storyline to follow. The movie had none. And not to mention it was ridiculous how it seemed so easy for a single guy to have one of the poshest apartment at his tender young age with no questions asked. At least in the book, they made it realistic, no social security number, no driver license, no birthcert, u are in for a big long tough ride....

So there, if u must watch a movie this season, I much recommend u to head for Charlie Wilsons War. At least THAT is a proper movie with a dose of history to boot.

Other "Jumper" movie reviewers:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My flight companions.

Apparently the Mon's A380 eve flight back to Sydney was cancelled due to a suspected fuel pump problem. As such, my Tues flight was full and cramped from some people spilled over from the previous day. I overheard some passengers gleefully talking about the compensation. Honestly, I was glad that I picked to return on Tues as the hassle would not have been worth the money.

Over the numerous flights through the years to anywhere, I have observed a strange "phenomenon". If I am travelling alone in economy, I would always end up having a male Indian "neighbor" sitting next to me (even on china trips). The hit rate is as high as 90%. Not that I have any issue with it, it was just sort of sudden realisation on the frequency that made your brains go "clicked"...

On my way back this time, I had an indian guy heading back to sydney for his uni course. He had been in India with his parents and heading back for school. He was pretty restless and he was telling me how much he hated the time on the plane. Guess the hundreds of movies and music wasnt enough to keep him busy. We chatted for a while, exchanged a few book topics and movies talk, before I succumbed to the sandman and fell asleep. At least he was pretty considerate and he turned off the overhead lights when he noticed me dozing off. Bless him. I hate sleeping with lights on.

However, the best deal was that on way back, no one farted in this cabin this time! So i didnt have to suffer 7 hours of toxic air contamination!

On the flight back to sg, the indian guy next to me couldnt stop farting and being a super heavy smoker, he was reeking of the cigarette smell (& B.O) all over even though he couldnt smoke on plane. Much that I appreciate his efforts in wrapping his arms around himself and moving minimally to disturb the surrounding air around us, i had to finally resorted to discreetly fanning myself with the Kris Air magazine. "I could only take that many hours of constant silent smelly farts....". I figured he noticed and must have gone to the loo towards 3/4 of the flight as the smell got less potent towards landing hours....

Perhaps that explains why i fell sick the minute I got off plane and spend good 3 days recovering from cold. My nose probably just couldnt handle the "torture" any more :P

Coming home

Do u ever noticed how quickly time flies when U are having a good time? The recent trip back to SG for Chinese New Year Reunion was over before I knew it.

It felt a bit strange coming back today. A sort of loss for the land i left behind, and a sort of temporary detachment towards my adopted city. Perhaps I am mourning the loss of my over indulgence from my family and mum especially. It has been a long while since I could kick back and literally DO NOTHING at home. (Well almost nothing since i still prefer to do my own lanudry:))

Truly, after years of doing everything yourself and running ur own home, it is truly blissful to be "waited" upon with ready piping hot homecook food by mum. She is a god send, with fantastic cooking skills to boot! I could barely bear to leave home during the whole stay since I had all the food I need at home!

Met a few old and new friends & cousins over the hols too.

It was good catching up with those I havent seen since '93. Again, funny how time has an unexplainable elasticity nature in your head. It didnt feel that long, yet when you look back, another 10-15 years has gone you by and its a shocker. While it doesnt alter the fact that we are all older from our youthful days, catching up with people from your past possess that magical effect of transporting you through time and having u feel young again as you reminisce about the "old times" together.

Its funny how as one gets older, you too begin to miss your folks more and more. It isnt the result from the pampering. It is more like you begin to see them getting frail and you feel helpless about time's ravages on them. And on my part, a slight pang about being a thousand miles across the sea from mum.

All in all, another year passed, and hopefully, another fruitful and most of all, peaceful year this time round.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Being a doc is tough...

Gwen came and left. Definitely dun envy her. I knew it was tough learning to be a practicing doctor, but seeing her mugging for her never ending papers, it is worse than I had imagined.

Being a doctor is tough, its no wonder why some doctors in public hospitals think they are underpaid. If u actually see the amount and tons of things they have to know and memorise, the published papers and cases they have to be familiar, the maths and formulas to understand...hell! They deserve the money they ask for...its a lifetime dedication. Its not a job where u dress up, go in and do a few presentations, attend meetings and have some sort of self importance, being a doctor regardless of the major is a real deal. I thought IT people has it bad, to cope with the everchanging technology, new developments, facing new IT challenges, the medical professionals had it equally bad too, with new virus, new therapies, new theories, new medications. Its never ending study, never ending analysis. Its not a job where u can happily be complacent about like a desk bound job.

She was self amusingly saying, about sometimes she wonder why she put herself thru all these. The stress and all. I couldnt say much since i am not in her shoes. All i could do was to be supportive and get her meals ready to maximise her studying hours. And lastly, a prayer for her to sail thru her papers next month!

Friday, February 1, 2008

An eve with Burt Bacharach

It was a magnificent eve spent at Sydney Opera house last night.
We caught the act by "An evening with Burt Bacharach & The Sydney Symphony".

It was one of the best performance I have attended for a long time now! We had a box office seat and so we had a really unobstructed view of the whole performance too.

Most people in Singapore (assuming here) are probably not familiar with the name "Burt Bacharach" but I am pretty certain we all know his best hits such as those by Dusty Spring field and Dionne Warwick. Without doubt, he is one of the best composer of modern times and hence last night had been an absolute blast! The 2 hours whizzed past like nothing and with the magnificent Sydney Symphony and the 3 singers belting out the hits, the audience was totally captivated and transported back to times for some.

Although there were a couple of hits I havent heard off, but most of the times, it was like having someone playing my fav songs LIVE in concert such as his greatest hits like "Alfie", "The look of Love", "I say a little Prayer" "Raindrops keep falling on my head", "That's what friends are for", "I'll never fall in love again" etc etc...

There were simply too many great songs to list them all! The male singer that he had was especially sensational!!! All is all, a A$160 well spent! Oh what a night to rem!