
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's only March...sigh

This would probably be the first time I am working and I dont quite like the people who employed me. For one, I dont quite like their attitude towards people, despite the industry they are suppose to be in to inspire people. I am pretty sure their team aint very much motivated...

My feelings doesnt come from personal experience but rather from the sideline observation. I dont like the brusque way they talk, I dont like the haphazard way they work. Maybe I am too used to working in a structured, professional MNC that its a real eye opener to work with a small firm like theirs, where their word is the law, and the law can flip flop every other day without reasons.

But seriously, imagine this.
In the small office space, where everyone is on the line, it is unavoidable that a certain level of noise is in place. Yet, our boss would turn around and yell at everyone to "SHUT UP" just because he was on the phone. Even when it was not directed at me but my peers, I feel offended at the way they were talk down to. Couldnt he had at least said "Guys could u lower the volume?" The thing was, the team werent even chitchatting. They were either on the lines with other potential customers or vendors. So what gives him the right to be so rude to people who are helping him to earn his keep?

There are many many other tiny details that is so out of line but I wont state them all here. It isnt me having an issue with them both. It seems that everyone here thinks the same of them, including my vendor who has some brushes with their extreme hot and cold attitude.

I dont think they are bad people. On the contrary, I think they prob are interesting characters but just not great people to run a business because they lack the steadfast and calm personality to motivate and drive the crew.

Anycase, I am sooo looking forward to the end of my contract, so that I can begin the part time basis. Everyday heading to office is such a dread because of the lack of challenge and supporting environment.

Will end of April not come soon enough?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why do I work? I must be out of my mind

Work is dull.
Work is boring.
Why on earth did I start working?
Itchy backside.

Every morning, I had to drag myself off my comfy bed.
Every morning, I cursed at the bad traffic air pollution in central as I walked from the MRT to Hollywood road. There is so much smog an d exhaust fumes that I feel so out of breath by the time I am done climbing up the hilly steps because I am suffocating from holding my breath.

Every lunch, I dread to think of what horrible disgusting food I can eat. I miss lunch at causewaybay. Not only for the wide variety and price, but also a much more appetising offerings.

Every eve, I had to fight my way through the pesky overcrowded train station, and stand in the long long line way home. One those days I have to attend class at TST, I am almost squashed from front to back from the relentless crowd that pour into the train. The only good thing is that the HK train is well ventilated and its never stuffy, making it more bearable than peak hour train in Singapore.

Every other night, I will have to try to perk up and go grocery shopping to cook dinner. After horrible lunch, all I want was light healthy soup to compensate for the crap I down myself with in the day.

By April, my contract will end but the project will not
I hate to think how my boss will ask me to stay and I will be cringing like hell inside....
Do the professional thing to stay on, or selfish thing and make a run for it?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

就想賴著你插曲:禮物 - 劉力揚

I love this song from the Taiwanese Drama - Down with Love. [download]
One of my fav lines in the song is below.

"世上最殘酷的 恐怕是時間
困住人 一切卻還向前 "

"Time is probably one the most cruel thing in life,
Everything else moves ahead, while the person is trapped behind."

禮物 - 劉力揚

一整夜 翻閱過去畫面

走一步又一步 我才發現繞了個圈
走了好幾年 又回到原點

*你送的禮物 會不會太特別
毫不避諱 那不安的傳言
但漸行漸遠 習慣到沒感覺

#你送的禮物 在此刻好體貼
陪我回憶 把過往走一遍
穿了這些年 難免會有污點
就像每段愛 總會有終點

世上最殘酷的 恐怕是時間
困住人 一切卻還向前

走一步又一步 卻跟不上你的腳步
你滿意了 為什麼我卻只想要哭

重唱 *,#

你說做自己吧 我們都做回自己 哦

你送的禮物 原來是一場劫
終於分別 宿命一樣準確
可笑到想要 你賠給我時間

光著腳我一路奔跑 鮮血淚水一路狂飆
收起我的驕傲 承認曾經備受煎熬
鞋上那記號 只有你能明瞭
過了這一夜 我就全忘掉

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I dont know how some people does it. To work, to have othr activities and blog at the same time. Something has to give..what do they give up?

It has been a while hasnt it? Since I actually sat down proper to write anything. In between my going well renovation, work and Jap class, it's near impossible to do anything else I like like Pilates & watching dramas.

I had a sudden craving yesterday.
While storming my way through the thick piling human traffic crowd at central station, it suddenly hit me how much I wish I had a pipping hot crispy skin prata before me. Chicken Mutamak with lotsa onion and egg will be fantastic. Throw in a hot cup of indian milk tea...that morning will be so perfect!!! I was drooling in my head as I trudge myself forlonly towards my office, passing by muffins and sandwiches shop without care. As I munch on my pret-a-manager pasta soup in the morning, it was an excercise to keep my tummy full than of any form of enjoyment. As I sat in office mechanically finishing my breakfast, I thought back to my old company cafe in Singapore. Where everymorning, I get to choose from prata, kaya sandwich toast, or some malay style breakfast like nasi lemak, or even chinese carrot cake with dark soya sauce. Damn.... where did all those local cravings come from suddenly?

I had HK morning breakfast. If its not ham sandwich, its macroni soup or dim sum... it's soooo lacking in variety. Well at least that is the case in central.

It's mid March now and looks like my job is gonna get extended. crap. I really dont want to work full time anymore. I miss that quality of life when I get to do whatever I wanted, when I wanted. So far, my colleagues have been good. It's small office, so thankfully there isnt backstabbing, badmouthing or politics. The only down side is I hate working in central because there is soooo little variety of local food unlike causeway bay. Those places at Soho...i dunno....not my cup of tea.

Renovation work is in good hands, and good time.
Looks like it is gonna finish faster than I expected. I like my contractor. We work well together and from our interactions, he is one contractor with brain that think about practicality of what he built. He takes pride in what he deliver and hence he is also alot more detailed oriented than I expected. Unlike the contractor I had in sg previously, this contractor gives much thought about various dimensions and materials. So in a way, I feel reassured and he certainly took some stress away from me. So much so that I have only visited the apartment 3 times since it started work in Feb.

Yet unlike in SG, work doesnt go on everyday in the apt. SO that explains why it takes a much longer time than in sg. Funny planning huh. But at least the staff he chooses seem to deliver good work. The tiling work is good. So much better than I had anticipated! Happy!

The place is done with the tiling and wetworks and false ceiling. What is left really is the carpentry and the painting. It's gonna be some work that I have do like shopping for wall decal soon! Excited!

It's still pretty much undetermined how the whole place will turn out. Kinda half excited and half worried about choices I make. Time will tell...or rather I will know by april!