
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Seeing Celebrity Michelle Yeoh

In all my excitment about talking abt the boat trip, i forgot to mention the highlight during the dinner.

When we seated down, we realise that Michelle Yeoh (The malaysian born actress aka Bond gal) was sitting on the table behind us with her friends or family. She seemed happy and no one really went up to her to disturb her. She was wearing this sleeveless green top and you can see how tone her muscles are on her arm.

For a woman her age, she was very well maintained and she still looks super young. She is no glamour queen like some celebrities out there but at least she has style and exudes real, quiet womanly confidence. I like that.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

First Boat Trip

Have my first boat trip with the company yesterday after the internal meeting.

LL shared with us the greatest news on our sales performance and it was so exciting just to hear about potentially getting this really really goregous Hollywood guy (canx say who until it actually happens) down for possible product event!! But of coz that is all in the air and possibly pulling our leg for all we know... Anycase, saw the presentation slides for some of the new global product launch and it was gorgeous!!!! Canx say much or I am gonna get into trouble here!

So at 5pm, we all rushed down to Central Queen Pier and hoped into our boat and headed 2 hours to the new territories for seafood dinner. The trip was really nice! The waves werent as choppy as i fear and it was nice breeze and i had great company of coz.

Jo, Linda and I headed to the front of the boat since most of the management people were on the top deck. The scenic view was magnificent and tranquil. Too bad i didnt bring my camera.

Dinner was amazing and we were stuffed beyond imagination. We had steam abalone, scallops, hairy crabs, lobster noodle, soup, huge steam fish and this local thing called :Lai Liu Ha: which they have no idea of the English term. I thought it looked a cross between prawn and morten bug (cray fish). It was fried and tasted like crayfish anycase. I have never had such a big piece of the leg of the hairy crab. I was almost expecting some other huge sea monster size dish to be served on my plate!

By 10.30pm, we were stuffed and some of us headed back to the boat while some took a cab home from there. The trip back was quieter and chatted a little with Joanne. She wanted to head to the front of the boat and found my boss there as well. So anycase, we sat down and chatted a little about movies and HK women . Ha ha ha. No further comments here...

The view back into the city was really pretty. cruising in the breeze and heading towards the lights. Its like a welcoming home kinda feeling, though i didnt fail to remind my boss that it was also precisely of the lights that is causing the air pollution due to constant burning of fuels...

So the nite came to an end about 12am at the pier. What can i say except it was fun and i am having a sore throat now!

Monday, July 24, 2006

"Star Struck" Day

Yesterday is a Star-Struck day. During lunch, i decide to have a light one and head to Marks and Spencer to get some sweets. Linda came along and as we were walking at the top floor, we passed this guy who was pretty tall and i thought he looked familiar. He didnt smile or anything and walked past us very quickly. I asked Linda if that was the male actor in HK always appearing in TV drama serials and she said yes.

Later in the eve after work, I went to Citi-Super to grab some groceries and just as i came up the escalator into Lane Crawford, i saw this lady in white top and jeans walked hurriedly towards me from the main door entrance. I was thinking she couldnt possibly not see me and so i didnt like make way deliberately. Yet, she really bumped into me and my grocery bag. She looked up said sorry in cantonese and walked off quickly into the mall. As i was walking out, i thought she looked familiar...then it hit me who she was. She was GiGi Lai, 黎姿。She's about as tall as me but she is goodness graciously fair bordering on pale.

The thing was she looked so hassled and hurried and unsmiling that one wonders what's weighing her thoughts down. Prob avoiding all the paparazzi. But she IS pretty considering her age, well maintained, but just the same height as me which i had expected her to be taller. As i was thinking if that was really her, the HK couple in front of me was whispering frantically that it was really her. It was funny seeing the gf getting so worked up that she saw an actress.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Arriving at shanghai

Its always tiring to return from Biz Trip. At least thankfully this time round i got some decent sleep and didnt have any noisy neighbors as per last trip. IN fact, the hotel upgraded me to the executive corner room with the full magnificent view of the city lights. It was really pretty!!! Then again, I hardly spend any time in my room.

Arrived @ hotel about 9.30pm. There was a jam from Pudong airport to JWM hotel and I had the rare friendly taxi who acted as my "tour guide". He was explaining the sights and names of the various places we passed by and pointed out the bund to me. Even though i had already been there, I didnt want to cut him off and so i just listened to him and responded whenever i think it was required of me out of politeness.

This was first time i stayed in JWM in shanghai. So it came as a surprised that their lobby was situated at 38level. When the lift opened, i saw Anson and desmond sitting at the lounge waiting for me. Hoo Hoo. Aparently the silly boys waited for an hour to go for dinner together.

After checking in and everything, the boys decided to head for Karaoke. We headed to this place Party world which was HUGE! Its like a hotel except that each room is fitted with huge 42inch tv, sofa seat and mics for you to explode your lungs from singing. They even have a wide spread of food like what hotels provide. Incredible. Singing is huge biz in shanghai and its the clean image sort, not one of those sleasy bars. The rarest in shanghai, i didnt even smell cigarette! Cool! So the boys entertained me singing all sort of OLD songs that had me cracking up like a mother hen. It was hilarious when the 2 boys did the "Monica" and "standup" songs by leslie chung. I realise how different Hk and Singapore, China preference are. Desmond would pick all the HK singers like Leon Lai etc while me and Anson would pick more of Taiwan songs/ singers which Desmond never heard of.

Anycase, we call it a day by 1.30am as i needed to be up early for meeting teh next day. Unfortunately, desmond wasnt sleepy and wanted to chat and so i listened to him for the next 2phours until I couldnt hold up and i told him i needed to sleep. The shitty thing was, I couldnt sleep after 4am and stare at the clock till 5am. It will be a miracle tomorrow if i wake by 9am.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Dinner @ Armani Bar

Decide to end work early today since I have to fly off tomorrow and i forsee a long working week whole time in shanghai.

Ended up having dinner at Armani Bar. Yup, you got that right. Armani as in Emporio Armani. Anycase, the HK service staff should really really brush up on their English. I specifically said for dinner, and she still brought me to the bar where the whole load of expats are. I had asked twice if she was sure this was the dining area since my instincts are pretty good at catching people out. She nod like a stupid china doll and went off. Another guy waiter passed me the drinks menu and i asked for main meal and he told me we are seated at the wrong area. Talked about banging your head.

So we swopped away from the expats bunch to a quieter corner. Had rack of lamb and it was okie. But the price aint cheap. For 2 set of lambs, 1 mocktail and 1 still, the bill came up to about $HK600. You would expect a place that charge so much to have decent english speaking service staff serving the expats!!!

Anycase, its a nice place and i do like the place so i am not gonna bitch too much about it.

In case i havent said it, Armani Bar is located in Prince's Building just next to Central station , exit K. In fact the whole Chartered Building is all about ARMANI! There is Armani bar, armanai cosmetics, E. Armani clothes, even Armani Florist!! Talked about being exaggerative! The only person I can imagine having a whale of a time here is probably chris! He and his Armani.

Oh well, off to pack my luggage. ANother long remaining week ahead!

Nice HK friends

Found another anime fan in HK!!! It came as a surprise that Emily loves Jap Anime too! It was OMG!!! I was totally elated! U have Nooooo idea how bored i was with really nothing much to say in common with some of the gals here. I'm no fashion guru, neither am i girly girly sort. So when someone else finally know what is Bleach, Naruto, Hunter X hunter, the feeling is like hitting jackpot!!!

In fact the closest Desmond ever got it rite was saying i am such a "boy" by nature. He remained appalled to this day how much "secrets" he told me for the 2 weeks he had known me, and that he has never spoke to most of his HK colleagues of 4 years!!!

Anycase, the gals Jo, Joe and Emily waited for me to walk to the train/ bus stop. As it was still wasnt too late, they brought me to this Apple Mall nearby to window shop. Its like Far East Shopping sort of concept, rows of small stores packed in a level. Well, it was only at the basement 1 level anyway. Most of the clothes and shoes and bags doesnt suit my style but there were a few that was pretty alrite but no fiting room, so Forget IT!

The gals were really nice. They walked to the opposite side to wait for my bus with me even though they could have gone to the causeway bay train station near the office at Times Square.

Emily said the first impression of me was so serious and quiet. I laughed. At least they didnt mistook me as demure like anna and the gals did! Haa haaa! And like wise, that was when i realise there actually are gals who do laugh in HK and not just tai tai wannabe!!!
Anycase, we made a date to hang out afterwork next week. Emily was so sweet and she remembered to lend me her Nana music box! Yippeee!

Saw Rosa this morn and she is inviting me for lunch as well since i decline her yesterday being out with Emily +gals for laksa. (Just plain weird eating laksa in indonesian /thai restaurant, not to mention to be served with lotus rib soup as starters in a set!!!! hoo hooo!!!) Rosa is like Eileen, She really does. The more i hang out with her, the more she projects the eileen flavour. Its amazing how we have little copies of ourselves all over the world!

Okie better get back to work. Terrible, dunno where to start. SO many nitty gritty problems... sigh Why oh Why... :) Back to work!

Monday, July 17, 2006

First Autumn Press Conference & ...

Ever since i came to HK, there is no end to my hectic work life.

Finally had a proper product training with Rosa today (all the tea rose, pearl, ginseng and shimmery ingredients was overwhelming me!!) . Had a go at the suncare range and the sunshield for the face is really good! It was non greasy light weight and spf30++ cooll! (I finally know what PA++ stands for!!) Rosa was really nice, she gave me this huge collection to bring home to try. I am so gonna bring this conditioning mist for my shanghai trip tomorrow!

As a result of the training we were late for the press conference at Ocean Terminal today. Was scheduled from 3-5pm but we didnt leave office till about 4pm. We ran. Ran like hell so that we can make it in time!!! Rosa had really want to make it so that she can take the door press gift for Sunny as it was the new autumn accent range. For me, I just want to KPO and see how the press conference was like.

Despite all the 500m dash, the press conference was tailing to an end. Rosa almost didnt want to turn up and i told her no way, since i am here, i intend to check it out! Deborah was out at the entrance of stage cafe and she waved to me. We wriggled in past all the press people who were walking out and i grab the first orange juice. I told Rosa "This door gift for sunny is bloody earned back through sweat and 100 calories burning!!!" She laughed and laughed and couldnt agree more!

So i missed the makeup demo but i saw a few local celebrity whom i totally have no idea who they were, though one of them do look kinda sweet.

So we sat there for a while, miggle and chat and ate the dessert finger food. I have got the really nice gift which adds up to about SG$100 worth of products. I doubt i will use some of the colours so will prob pass to mum instead! All in all, my first not so sucessful press conference attendance but hey, who care, i got my first press gift! haa haa haa!