
Friday, August 29, 2008

A peek at marriage...

The thing about marriage, is that it takes alot of work to get the formula right.

There is one thing for sure, my single life would have been much easier. Having said that, I am not saying marriage life isnt good either but the bare fact is that, at least being single, I only have to contend with my own "bad" habits rather than his...which fortunately are few.

Just the other day, while having dinner with 2 other couples of my husband's friends, the topic on "Husband's nasty habits" came up. We chanced upon the topic when one of the wife "exposed" and lamented about the chewing tobacco "secret" of her husband (my husband friends). We were shocked at this nasty habit. He goodnaturedly demonstrated the tobacco sac which he deftly inserted up above his gum. So his wife let on that they had "disagreed strongly" about this unhealthy habit as she couldnt stand the smell, plus it would result in a black hole in the gum eventually. The conversation ended up like a round table sharing and the poor husbands sat there grinning like silly ducks.

When it reached me, I strangely couldnt think of anything at the top of my head. That doesnt mean my husband is perfect. I didnt know if I have gotten use to his nasty habits, or it just wasnt that significant enough to be at the top of my head.

My husband volunteered his own "nasty habit" when he saw me paused. I hated him shaking his legs. It annoyed me alot when I see him doing it before me. I didnt know why his mum allowed him to persist even though she thought it was a bad habit too. So now, I have to slap his thigh every time. He does it less now, after I pointed out all the "china man" in HK doing it. Apparently he didnt realise how "awful" it looked.

Today, when I was taking the clothes out from the washer. His other nasty habit came floating back when I saw all the bits and pieces of tissue all over my fresh laundry and washer inerior. Annoyed is an understatement. I hated it when he never bother to take the tissue pack out of his pants or shorts before throwing the soiled clothes into the laundry basket.

Instead of a simple 5 mins process of hanging clothes, it ended up as 10mins picking all the tissue out from my front loaded drum, 15 mins of flinging all the tissue bits off from every piece of the clothes before hanging, another 10mins of taking the vaccum cleaner out to remove all the pieces of white mess all over the floor from kitchen to the living room and balcony. So my husband's laziness to check for the tissue pack, has inevitably cost me extra 30mins of unnecessary housework.

In the past when I complained, he doesnt understand what the fuss was. We talked about it, we fought about it, we had cold war about it. If I were to do all the housework, I expected my partner to contribute in a small way, which is to check his pockets. I didnt think that is a tall order.

So today as i was vaccuming the floor "grudgingly", I knew that if I am living alone, things like this would never happen. I wont be wasting time doing things such as picking up the dirt.

It is easy to start a fight for the hassle but I choose not to. For the fact that the frequency of washing tissue has lessen, and the fact that he made an effort was a good enough compromise.

I guess that is what marriage is about when they say "Give and Take". Don't nag continously. Don't harp on the some points and wave it like some trumph card. Fight the fight worth fighting. Don't ignore any small steps or improvements from your partner even if the final results isnt perfect or what you hoped for. That are probably the secret ingredients of all lasting marriages. Don't you agree?

Rather than getting all upset after so many years. I am toying with a new alternative. Perhaps I should buy him a hankerchief instead.... At least if he forgot about it, it wont inconvenience me as much...

The only bright spark...

Now that I got my partial frustrations vented, I needed to commend this PCCW sales guy Bryan as well. I was just lucky that I got him really over the phone.

The first time I reached him was with the intention of checking the process of applying for landline, internet and cable TV. It was 8pm and honestly I didnt expect anyone to service a sales call that late. Surprisingly, Bryan picked up my call and explained many details to me, and warning of the terms & conditions. He even spent alot of time to fit and select suggested programs options for me to pick and choose. It was 9.30pm by then and we were both hungry. He asked if he could go for dinner first and i was more than willing as I needed on myself. He promised to call back at 10.30pm and he did!

When all was settled, he gave me his direct line if I needed any help. Thankfully he did as I encountered much problems.

My landline started getting spam fax calls at night. I called Bryan and he suggested several options.

The second day, I realised my cable TV problems and I called Bryan again. He was so helpful that he linked me up with the (useless) technical customer service line.

The problem was not solved and I left a voice message when I couldnt get through the technical line after 2 hours myself. I was hoping he had some internal numbers... which he didnt. He was sympathetic to my plight and promised to help. He returned my call later after 1.5hours stating he couldnt get through either and will try the next morning. he actually apologised. He was the sales guy and his after sales service was impressive. I apologised for the constant trouble but he was a perfect gentleman about it.

The next day the technical people called me and I tried not to bother Bryan any more. He had been most helpful, and the only person as far who had decent English. Unfortunately, he was the only bright spark in my whole encounter with PCCW. What a shame there isnt more like him.
Still, I am constantly grateful for his help...

Problem with PCCW mobile SIM card

If the PCCW cable TV wasn't enough to aggravate me, the PCCW mobile phone service also decided to have a go at me.

They gave me this free mobile SIM card with a really nice easy number due to my land line subscription. I knew nothing for free would turn out easy for me. My hunch was right, even though the root cause is not entirely PCCW fault to be fair. Still, it caused me a stomach full of anger.

The sim card was suppose to be activated on 25th august according to the letter. Expecting things to go wrong as they always will, I didnt bother to try it till 26th august. As expected, the hp displayed "SIM card rejected" message. Great.

Spend an hour on the phone for customer service. In the end, I was told to go to the PCCW shop to change a SIM card. I went to the one near Times Square. This is when my grief started.

The shop had these 2 guys. One with relatively white hair and the other with a asking to be smacked face. Previously I already had a bad service attitude from them when I dropped by to activate my international service for my landline. The customer service asked me to register with the shop and these two fucking idiots was trying to tell me i must call the customer service to activate it. I have to explain like fucking 5 times that i was TOLD to come to the shop before they decided to check their fking computer.

This time for my SImcard problem, they changed my SIM card and asked me to sign the replacement form. Before I signed, I queried what happened if the sim card is still rejected. Either they are blatantly STUPID or just plain lazy, they said to check 2 hours later and "HOPE" it work. I told them that wasnt my question. I said what happened if it didnt work, the 2 idiots said alot of irrelevant things and just wanted me to sign the form so they can chased me away since i was not "revenue" contributing to them. The gist of their words were "not my problem, do not look for me." Finally they even implied it would be a phone problem and to bring to Nokia. One of the idiot was giving me the high and mighty attitude when I just mentioned what a pain to have to wait for 2 hours to know if the SIM card work. He started to berate me and condemn every country that is worse than HK and proudly stated he lived in Australia and that it would take 4-6 hours to get mobile to work in Australia. I rolled my eyes and asked him how ancient ago was that?! He didnt reply. Instead, he insisted HE KNEW BEST.
I was really pissed with his attitude. I told him it was rubbish. My husband Vodaphone card in Sydney worked immediately once we purchased it. The PCCW staff insisted he is right. WHATEVER. Didnt want to argue publicly with a bloody loser like him. I have better class than that. However that doesnt mean I cannot bitch about him in my blog.

If he had been that great in Australia and so super knowledgable, his English wont be that "fantastically and impressively" hideous, nor would he be back in HK being a sales guy in PCCW in a shop. Don't get me wrong. It is not the job nature, it is HIM that I despise. With that sort of arrogance, you expect it from some senior management which obviously he had no material to be of for the REST of his life with that fking attitude of his.

Of course when i went back, the replacement SIm card didnt work. I called the customer service and they suggested for me to try another shop and the guy AGREED that it is unlikely my phone.

So the next day, before I went to any PCCW shop, I dropped by Nokia care to ensure it wasnt my phone problem. Well technically my ph0ne was fine but it appeared the newer SIM cards version may eventually not matched my cellphone software if it has too many functions. So I run a risk of having to buy a new phone even if my current one is in good condition after 3 years.

Well, went to another PCCW shop diagionally opposite Sogo. The service is soooo much better by the 2 ladies and the guy manager there. At least they were helpful to give some advice and that they wont be able to help if the next alternate version of SIM card doesnt work. Just then, their Computer systems went down and she couldnt enter my data into the system. Means I have to wait more than 2 hours.

I asked if she could call me when she gotten round to it and she thankfully she did. Most luckily of all, this replacement SIM card worked! After much hassle, my free SIM card finally worked.

THANK GOD! I think PCCW really dun like me.... giving me so much trouble... Hopefully he is the first and the last jackasss I will encounter in HK.

My grief and angst stemming from PCCW

I have no idea how many times I have to f**k the PCCW technical people before they understand my complaints.

Firstly the PCCW NOW cable TV reception was horrible from day one of installation. It was jerky with those screechy sounds for every channel. I tried to call the technical line and was like on hold for 3 hours before anyone, ANYONE picked up the phone! They sent a technician and didnt fixed the problem the first time. They reset the program and changed the cable downstairs and told me to monitor the "progress" before the technician left. Fking hell, I couldnt even start out the decoder because a pin was enforced. I had to call for another 3 hours to complain about the pin, only to find out the technician didnt load my reset data to the main board and has to be done the next day. I gave the customer service a piece of my mind since the 3 hours wait on phone drove me to the wall and the screw ups just set off the bomb in me.

Sp I raved and I ranted. I kicked up a stink and refused to pay for the past week since I havent been able to watch a single thing. They waived it and asked me to call back the customer service once the technician fixed it. I went berserk and told them to CALL ME instead since i have no intention of waiting for another 3 freaking hours on the phone.

So the technician came again the following day wed and again the problem wasnt solved. Getting extremely annoyed. So the technician suggested laying a physical cable instead of a home plug running on electricity or something. However, he didnt have a long enough cable so he just used what he had running across from living room to the study room modem. He promised to fix it on friday.

Friday was typhoon so he said he will return on sat. I waited whole morning on saturday and called his mobile. He then claimed he got busy and didnt have time. I was fed up and he said he will come on sun morning.

Sunday came and he called in the morning to say he couldnt come because he was busy and my "appointment order" has lapsed after 7 days. Fucking idiot. So I had to call the technical line again.

After another 3 hours, I got through on sunday night. The customer service woman with horrible english couldnt understand a single word i said. I explained the reception is good now but i needed someone to lay the cable properly along the wall to the modem in the study room. The customer service didnt understand and said it cannot be done. This time I was really really really pissed. Short from yelling "stupid" and "useless" at them, I really want to throttle someone. They promise to send a technician on following tuesday but they didnt have the brains to ask the same technican for details.

Tuesday came, the technician called and said it wasnt his job. I swear I was ready to butcher someone. I yelled, really YELLED at him this time. Stopped being miss nice under control. I told him to fucking call the customer service and sort it out. Finally, that worked... or so i thought.

The customer service guy who had a better command of english explained the cabling laying is handled by another department and so he set up a conference call as he had the common sense to avoid making me repeat my outstanding problems. Christ, the other girl couldnt seem to understand nor speak english. Anycase, next appointment is on 1st sept to fix things up and again they waived the relocation fee supposedly because they have caused me immense grief and time. We will SEE.

Just when I thought all was settled. Wednesday, another customer service called to query on status and apparently he didnt know what was going on. I SO WANTED TO SCREAM. I told him to check with his other colleague who set up the meeting and hung up the phone.

I am just simply EXHAUSTED.

When can HK people learn to hire people who can comprehend and communicate in English. Dont have a option to select "English", only to barely provide that English service.

That night, I told my husband. My HK nightmares are returning. Now I remember all the things I hated about HK. However we both agreed, at least in HK, when you complained hard enough, things get done and sometimes fees get waived. That is SOOOOoooo NOt going to happen in Australia. They will just fk care you in the service industry.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

TVB: Moonlight Resonance (溏心风暴之家好月圆)

Since I moved to HK, I have been completely glued to the new HK series "Moonlight Resonance" (家好月圆).

Initially I was alittle confused because it was the same cast as 溏心風暴 and I was catching it from ep 15 onwards. Then I realised they used the same cast but acting in a completely different plot and script and characters!

After watching a few episide, it was enough to get me glued!!! So i went to internet to backtrack the old episodes that I had missed. (watch here). Too bad there isnt english subtitles but there is mandarin and cantonese versions.

What was really strange though is that the internet site that I am watching is even more advance than the local TVB TV airing! It is about 1 episode advance that what HK TV is showing which puzzled me alot. Well I aint complaining since I get to watch any episode I missed or if I know I wont be able to watch the next episode on TV.

So if you havent been seeing any good drama lately, give this one a go. :P
So much scheming and manipulations... so typical of HK drama...haaa haaaa

Monday, August 25, 2008

Reading the "Words" right

Was reading the online paper and had a chuckle when I read the following article. The highlighted words are something I misheard regularly.

" Newpaper (source link)
I READ your earlier column on this subject, Reggie, and I too have been 'disturbed' by the ongoing mispronunciations of many of the TV news readers.

I've even called MediaCorp and asked them to tell Sushila Krishnan that the word 'laboratory' is not pronounced 'labatry'. But she still does it.

During the last haze season, one of them even pronounced the verb 'enveloped' as 'on-veloped' - from the noun 'envelope' (used for letters).

And the word 'cooperation' manages to continually come out as 'corporation'. "

When I was back in Singapore the last trip, I had the hardest time trying to correct my young nephews while playing with them. That the animal is "Koala" and NOT "Koala bear" as many Singaporeans like to say it (and become a laughing stock to many Australians). I'm not even sure who had misled my nephew. Rather than seeing it as ignorance, I prefer to think they have been misled by the Mandarin terminology of Koala. Koala in itself is not a bear. It is a marsupial - pouched mammals.

In my experience. When I was back in Singapore having breakfast at Orchard Paragon at PS cafe with Bill, I had the hardest time understanding what the waitress was saying when I asked her the special menu of the day. Christ! She couldnt pronouce "cranberry" correctly, and many others. I had to repeat "Pardon me" and "Could you repeat again please" several times before I could place my order. When she left, Bill laughed so loudly and said "Welcome back to Singlish". I didnt know if I should be amused or shocked by the fact that the waitress couldnt get so many basic words right...

In Chinese restauarants, we are swarmed with Chinese nationals who couldnt speak english. It's bad for tourism since the expats couldnt communicate in mandarin with these foreign help. In Sydney, we had the same problem. We went to a cantonese restaurants, expecting the waiting staff to speak either English or Cantonese but ended up with a bunch of people who could only speak mandarin. While I was fine, my husband was annoyed to bits since he expected the staff to minimally speak English being IN AUSTRALIA. So much for globalisation.

Back to the article, the word "envelope" is a little trickier though depending if it is being used as a noun or verb. I think not many people know the difference. (check out the difference) .

For myself, I do unfortunately get entangled with the word "Laboratory". While I do not mispronounce it as "labortry", my brain do often get jammed between the British vs American way of saying it and so my tongue would stumbled over it. It's unfortunate I know...

Well I certainly hope the article shed more light to Singaporeans on the need of speaking good English. It's not about defending the "Singlish accent" nor is it an issue of emulating the accent of "stiff upper lips". It's a wider issue of getting the essential linguistic foundation right.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Typhoon 9 raging on!

The damaging typhoon rain started to pound about 8pm++ and has being raging on for over an hour now. By then, I totally couldnt see the other buildings around mine due to the wet mist/ fog.

Honestly, its pretty scary with the gale whipping up a storm outside and banging on the windows. It sounded like millons broken glasses are slamming on my windows intermittenly. At one point while cooking, I actually retreated out to the living room because the rain was vigorously striking on the windows so hard. I had this illogical paranoid vision of the glass breaking.

Watched the night news reporting in the afternoon during the short "break" from the storm, firemen are working hard to remove the uprooted thick trees, fallen scafolding as well as aluminum roofs that have flown away... Salute to them!

I hate to imagine the damages to be reported tomorrow... I hope no one dies from this. Why would anyone expect flights to take off today is beyond me. I would have voluntarily swap to another flight out later! No freaking way I would want to travel through such turbulence!

Typhoon Nuri Levelled up to 9!

By 4pm, Typhoon Nuri has been declared at level 9!!! Now this is a major FIRST for me.

My place is now strangely quiet with birds chirping from the mountains as we are in the eye of the storm. Yet its so humid and oppressive... the view outside is slowly being fogged out by heavy mist....

Check out the pictures how the visibility starts to decrease over the hour from 3.42pm onwards. By the last shot, you cannot even see the mountain view nor the 2 distant condo buildings anymore!

(at 3.42pm)

(at 4.17pm)

(at 4.45pm)
(at 5pm: see the disappearing 2 buildings and mountain!)

Here is the latest Tropical Cyclone Bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Observatory.

The Increasing Gale or Storm Signal, No. 9, is in force.
Typhoon Nuri has weakened into a severe tropical storm.

At 5 p.m., Nuri was centred about 15 kilometres east of Hong Kong Observatory (near 22.3 degrees north 114.3 degrees east) near Sai Kung and is forecast to move northwest at about 14 kilometres per hour across eastern New Territories.

As the eye of Nuri is passing directly over Hong Kong, there may be a temporary lull lasting from a few minutes to several hours over the eastern part of the territory. This will be followed by a sudden resumption of violent winds from a different direction.

Gales are affecting the western part of the territory, with storm force winds recorded in some places.

Fantastic dinner at C restaurant (Vancouver)

This is still day 2 of our trip and dinner was amazing once again with its fresh seafood produce. I could die from protein overdose seriously.

We tried this restaurant known as "The C restaurant" by the waters and it was absolutely divine! Service was impecable! I had booked via the opentable website and indicated for a quiet corner. When I arrived, I was led to a quiet upper level table overlooking at the patrons seated below. What made my request an excellent decision was that while we may not see the water view from up here, yet we are delightfully SPARED from the setting sun and glare into your eyes. You can imagine how uncomfortable it will be considering the sunrays isnt cool either. Its still alittle hard to accustom to the idea of dinner at 8pm, yet the sun is still shining at you!

The menu is divided into 2 main sections of entrees and mains. Within each section, the food is divided into vertical categories such as "Duck, Pork, Scallop, Lobster and Fish". It was so easy to choose from this matrix and of course I was going for the Jumbo scallops with premium pork belly and foie gras while my husband went for the full lobster with scallops! Finishing it off with the divine choc cake!

Spending an afternoon at Granville Island

Headed to Gransville Island for a peek. Quite disappointing really. I didnt think much of the place apart that it's just another market place with a pricier tag. I was also told coffee still tastes horrible here, though not as bad as states. I wont know since I aint a coffee drinker.

Grouse mtn: Lumberjack show

After quietly observing the grizzly bears, I headed off to watch the staged lumberjack show. Noticed I use the word observed on my part, because I refuse to be associated with those anal English speaking tourists from western countries who were harrassing the bears non stop.... The show was alright. Didnt enthralled me or anything. Scared a few little girls though who thought one of the guy was really gonna die from "falling off at the top of the pole."

Grizzly and black bears at Grouse Mountain

Been so busy settling into my new apartment that it's hard to find time to complete my vancouver holidays updates. Since I cannot do it sequentially in chronological order, I guess I can only do the highlights in drips and draps whenever i can. (One has to click on Vancouver label to read all related posts i guess.)

It was an absolutely lovely morning to head to Grouse mountain. A little chillier than I expected for a summer morning but I loved every moment of it! I was well rewarded with peace and tranquility to be the FIRST to hit Grouse mountain by the cable. Waking up at 4am was well worth it to beat the crowd.

(Morning view when heading to catch the ferry to North Vancouver)

( A mountain top view of the cable car)
(View when taking the ski chairs up at Grouse mtn)

(Inside the "cabin lodge" before viewing the video screening on the local bears)

(Lumbering up to join his "brother", as far away from noisy human possibly)

(Having a pleasant early morning sunny)

Saw the orphaned grizzly bears and I loved watching them, though idiotic people pisses me off with their barbaric behaviour of yelling at the bear in attempt to provoke them. All these nonsense for a stupid photoshot of the bear so that they can brag about it to their friends. These are the sort of people who deserves to be maimed by bears honestly. The bears were constantly trying to run to a quiet corner but people chased them round the fences refusing to give them any peace nor privacy.

I sympathised the bear with their enclosed living but hey, the bright side was that they weren't killed as typical orphaned bears would be... The two bears though of different species appeared to rely and depend on each other with a strong bond. It's amazing just looking at them.

Orca Whale Watch (Part2)

No matter how many times I looked at the whales, I will never get bored with them.
If u have never seen a while whale up close, you should. They are truly magnificent and will steal your heart at the first glimpse....No encounter is ever too insignificant

Orca Whales Watch (Part 1)

After reading the sad news of the death of humpback calf, I remembered I havent got to share my Orca (killer) Whale watch trip in Vancouver.

They were one of the most majestic creatures in the sea and they always leave me in awe. You have to catch them in action, to understand the love relationship with whales by many including myself.

They were simply too quick for my shuttle and so I had contented with just watching them by the side. They were amazing and very very very cute!!! One even did a spy hop and a back flip which were absolutely delight!

As there were many people on the boat, I didnt felt like inching my way so i decided to watch from "afar" on the inside. The captain of the boat spotted that and was very kind to offer me the captain view and hence the chance of me fliming them on my camera.

(Video 1: We were trying to locate the pods of whales and suddenly they all came swimming towards our boat happily splashing away! They swam so quickly that a minute you see their fluke, the minute they are miles away from us!)

(Video 2: I was so excited seeing them so close!)

(Video 3: I couldnt wipe off my silly grin as i watched them roll in water so close!)

Monkey who didnt catch his train...

Just read from my friend's blog about a snow monkey who "ventured" to the shibuya train station and giving the police a slip despite all the netting efforts to capture it... It had looked so relaxed and unaffected by the huge commotion it had stirred up.. totally kawaii!
I thought it was hilarious seeing how the monkey outran, outclimb everyone! Even the camera man chasing after the scene sound pretty amused! haaa haaa!
Go Monkey Go!

Video Clip and TBS Japanese news

Typhoon 8 Nuri

My 2nd welcome by Typhoon 8 within a month since I have arrived in HK. While this is a typical typhoon season, it has never been so frequent and short interval apart from what I last remembered. Had to run to supermarket twice to stock up food since home is refuge in itself. I'm just glad that we are in the comfort of our own home this time. The security guards were very nice to remind me to shut all the windows tight before I sleep.

While it was dead calm last night with exceptional humidity, I woke up this morning to the relentless "rushing" wind sound forcing its way through the smallest gaps.

The last time I was staying by the waters, and so it was "eerie" listening to the wind howl and seeing the waves lashing away against the coast. This time it didnt look as bad with the mountain behind but the wind howling still reminds you that nature is not a force to be reckon with. However the fact that I am up on higher grounds also meant that we get the first taste of the wind effect. Luckily, my tower is "shielded" by another tower that gets the full frontal assualt of the gale.

Here is the latest Tropical Cyclone Bulletin issued by the Hong Kong Observatory.

The No. 8 Northwest Gale or Storm Signal is in force.
This means that winds with mean speeds of 63 kilometres per hour or more are expected from the northwest quarter.

At 1 p.m., Typhoon Nuri was centred about 60 kilometres east-southeast of Hong Kong Observatory (near 22.0 degrees north 114.7 degrees east) and is forecast to move northwest at about 14 kilometres per hour in the general direction of Hong Kong.

Gales are already affecting many places in the territory. Local winds are expected to increase further. Higher signals will be issued shortly. (Precautionary Announcements with No. 8 Signal)

Monday, August 18, 2008

H.E powder

The thing about relocating from one country to another, it isnt about lifestyle changes alone, it potentially affects your electrical whitegoods too!

I never knew that it would be such a complete futile attempt to locate a H.E laundry detergent. In fact, it is possible that 80% of HK people havent heard of a H.E washer and detergent. As such, it has been complete waste of time and effort the whole week looking at every supermarket from Market place, Park and Shop international and Citysuper.

H.E = High Efficiency.

If you use a regular detergent powder instead of a H.E powder, the likelyhood is that you are going to damage your washer drum in the long run because of the chemical composition and typically high suds. Many people have ingrained into their mind that the more foam you see the cleaner your clothes will be. Truth to be told, it is not true. Likely the more suds you have for front load washer, you will damage the internal drums. Yeah, even doing laundry requires a minimal knowledge. It's pointless in investing the best machinery and housewares if you do not know how to care for it to prolong its life. In that sense, being a housewife in itself is a profession. You too have to know your trade and technicalities.

The nearest option is low sud formula and that is still not ideal. However, I am left with no other options apparently.

Brand "Tide " one of my favorite laundry powder/ detergent produces H.E powder and while HK carries Tide powder, they didnt bring in the Tide H.E version since presumably, they didnt think HK people would be using it.

I am so going to miss Omo Matic H.E powder which I have been using in Australia. Perhaps the next trip back to Sydney, I would buy huge big boxes to stock up save me further headaches in HK....

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A reminder of "danger" in states

As I walked along Pike Market on my own, an incident reminded me why I had always felt unsafe while visiting the states. I always get acousted by weird strange man. Several years ago when I was in L.A walking alone, a group of guys in a car slowed down to hassle me until a patrolling car came to my rescue.

This time, while I was minding my own business relooking at my camera shots out in open streets in broad daylight, this crazy guy suddenly grabbed me by my arm, asking with a smile if I want to take a picture with him. Fking hell. That totally caught me off guard and jolt me with momentary shock. I couldnt even swear at him because I didnt know if this joker had any guns with him and if he is trigger happy. So all i did was to wrestle his hands off and walked off. I didnt care what he was saying next. I just wanted to widen the distance between us.

And when I boarded the bus back to my friend's place, I felt really uncomfortable with alot of "homeless" looking people sitting across me and staring at me. It's just the whole mannerism that really doesnt sit well with me. I wasnt being a snob or anything but their super unfriendly expression really gets to me. In other countries, I didnt see as much poorly dressed people congregated in place as I do in states.

The incident at Pike was a real reminder that I was in a foreign land, where a woman's safety and security are not a given thing. One should assume the worst possibilty here and not think the best of people. There are too many crazy people here who can do really nasty things to you if they want to.

2nd day in Seattle -City

The next day in Seattle was shopping time considering the weak US currency! I have got to be a moron not to take advantage of the lower price now, so I headed off for a great spree! As usual, Max Mara never fails me. After hunting high and low all over, I managed to find 2 gorgeous dresses at MM. I was feeling fabulous already!

Lunch was again fantastic at Etta's....

Its still new to get accustom to the idea of a full meaty crab cake full of crab meat... Oh i love the dungess crab!

Since we had so much time to kill, we ended up catching a flick -The Mummy 3. It was a little disappointing and I didnt quite like it as much as the earlier 2. Somehow the characters lacked chemistry together, the sequence is thin and only Brendan and the guy acting as Jonathan were holding the show together. The new lead actress just couldnt draw me in into her role. She just wasnt convincing.

When we passed this children's boutique, we stopped and bought couple of dresses for our host's daughter and another good friend who was delivering. The little girls dresses were sooooocute and gorgeous! I almost wish they had the adult version. They were those prim and proper floral french like dress complete with outer cardigan etc. It was fun picking because I knew exactly which style will suit which kid (with one half korean-german and the other half american-chinese!)

It was pretty strange boarding the public bus back. For some reason, we didnt have to pay any fare at all because at some timing, the bus is apparently free. I am not sure how it works but I am certainly not complaining since the driver said I didnt have to. Free public transport at specific time, another new concept to get use to...

BBQ that night was great and since their in laws were in town, it was a good gathering of fun, food and drinks. Even baby sage didnt want to sleep and joined us for our late dinner instead.