
Thursday, November 27, 2008

wandering in tokyo

Half way through my Tokyo trip now...:P
Life is good.

I'm in a land of fish and fresh milk cream....I simply cannot stop seein a cafe selling all sort of cream desserts... I am gonna get sooo fat from all these milk/ dairy cream induglence...

Just got back from the Picasso exhibition at Suntory Art Museum. Lucky that I'm in tokyo now to catch the collection of work. I love going through the halls of the museum in Japan, everyone is SOOOO QUIET and Polite, not to mention considerate about not blocking the view or monopolising the viewing area. There are hardly any caucasians or foreigners today, and I had a great time strolling peacefully in the midst of pure quietness. Somehow in western galleries, there are always some idiotic teens who feel oblige to talk louder than necessary. So today is a treat. I rem at some point of the museum, some foreigner idiot decide to take a picture without asking if it was ok. The flash went off and everyone including myself turn to stare at this offender. It was funny how everyone just turn our head simultaneouly with a mild disapproval on our face..Of course, a security person explained the prohibition to the person, who didnt look at all apologetic...

Back to quietness, In fact it isnt just the galleries. Even when i was walking by myself along the streets whether in Shibuya or Ginza, it was refreshing not to have crowds of people talking loudly around me. In the train, it was relatively quiet too since it is AGAINST the law to TALK ON THE MOBILE in the train. Unlike in HK and Singapore and even some western countries where people are not shy (inconsiderate i shld say) and like people around them to hear their conversations at the top of their voice, Japanese people are more subdued in their volume. I like it. For once, I didnt feel a need to bring my ipod to block out noise from other people. Cool....

The only strange thing is people keep coming to me, asking for directions. And I mean Japanese people, not foreigners. Kinda strange if u ask me considerin I do not look anything like a Japanese. So I had to reply back in Japanese that I have no idea (I thought it is only polite to at least tell them I cannot be of help in a language they cna understand) ,and my god, it opened a floodgate / string of further conversations that completely overwhelm me... So now, I merely reply I am not Japanese and that put me in the clear. This Japanese guy in the hotel lift who started to ask me some directions, however didnt seem quite know how to react, quite funny seeing his confused expression. The only people I did manage to help was foreigners who got lost staring blankly at the Metro subway... now, at least that I could do. I felt like some metro station volunteer...

Well... its gonna be a rainy day tmw, there goes my Yokohama plan. Sigh...

Maybe i'll head to Venus fort instead and do some shopping. I mean rain, what else can i do.

I love the fashion in Tokyo... so many pretty and sophisticated stuff, They are GORGEOUS....but I am a poor woman, so i cannot afford to biuy but only stare and gawk at the lovely dresses, coats and leather boots.... Japanese women are prob one of the nicest dressed asian ladies. They dressed weirdly when they are young, but they certainly bloomed into beautiful fashion wear as they get older... I need more money to afford all these understated and splendid fashion in levels and levels within all these malls......

Monday, November 24, 2008

Innocent Love Episode 06 quick summary

Just finished watching Innocent Love Episode 6 on TV and Oh my, what a SURPRISE.
Dont have time to write a detailed write up (will do that next week when i return home) but in short, here's the spoiler for those are dying to know what happened!!

In a very quick few words for time being....

Kyo was hospitalised but didnt die...a relieved Jun brouht her home and housed kano in his place. (read more)

[01 Dec] : Read Full episode 06 review

Saturday, November 22, 2008

C-Music: Miss No Good Drama (T) 不良笑花 Closing theme

Oh I love this closing theme in the Taiwan Drama - Miss No Good. (不良笑花)

Well, for those who enjoyed the drama, am sure u will enjoye this song dwnload.

同一个遗憾 - Same Regrets (more)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Bloody Monday: Episode 3 Review

Episode 3 Summary

Sensei Maya who was shot was attempting to retrieve the fallen handgun but Fuji kicked it away, while asking her angrily why did she do such things. Kano who went to arrest her at scene explained that Fuji had actually called Third-i while pretending to ring his friend.....

(Read more)

J-Drama: Bloody Monday Review

If you are tired of all the love or sad tragic Japanese drama, you should also tune in to "Bloody Monday" currently at episode 6 to date. I just started on it. First 2 episode is already sub with English. Watch episodes here.

Story Plot
On Christmas Eve, an exchange of a virus took place in Russia. Maya, whose goal is to cause a bio-attack in Japan, obtains a “lethal virus” from a man belonging to a secret organization. “Bloody Monday” is the keyword in this terrorist plot. A Russian agent comes chasing after her but she kills him and goes into hiding.
“THIRD-i”, the National Police Agency’s secret unit starts its investigation....

(Read more)

Bloody Monday Episode 3 Review

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Innocent Love: Episode 5 Review

Finally found time to finish blogging the summary for Innocent Love - episode 5.

Episode 5 Summary

After Kano ran away, Ugly girl happily approached a still dazed Jun. She grabbed him by the elbow asking him to go help the church pastor to carry some stuff. Jun recovered from the initial surprise and fling ugly girl's hand away. (Way to go Jun -chan!).......

Go to my drama-blog to read complete episode summary

For previous summaries, jump to:

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Counting down to Japan

Looking forward and counting down to my upcoming trip to Tokyo in late Nov. Since I have already been to all the major sights in the recent last trip, I guess this would be a relative "relaxing" idle one week holiday.

One major thing to look forward to is catching up with my "ex-Jap language classmate" whom I havent seen for a while since she left for Japan to work. Has it been 4 or 6 years? I lost count....

Funny how times flies and yet, your memory of someone stays put at where you last saw them. I'm pretty sure my girlfriend has all grown up to a pretty lady by now, but in my head, images of her remains as the little sweet girl I first knew...

The last trip was in Feb. It was pretty cold. This time its Nov...I wonder if it will be better weather. Well at least the weather in Hk has cooled down significantly (and suddenly), so I dun have to swop between hot and cold attire at least

Still have plan what to do the whole long week by myself yet. Have to start sitting down to do some internet research work soon....

Quote of the Day
"While we are postponing, life speeds by."
- Seneca (3BC - 65AD)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Innocent Love: Episode 4 Review

Episode 4 Summary:

"While her brother was away, Kano took the couple shot of her with Jun down from the pinboard. For reasons even unknown to her, she had no desire of him ever meeting Jun. When the brother returned home for dinner, he was shocked to see the picture had disppeared......"

All drama summary posts have been moved to my new drama-blog.
For more (full summary), read here :

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Dinner @ Zuma (HK)

After the Miele's Food guide, I decided to give "ZUMA", the Japanese restaurant @ Landmark (Central) a try on Sat.

Will write more later in detail but for now, my rating summary: (Some Pictures of dinner)
Food: 9/10
Service: 7/10
Ambience: 8/10
Price: Expensive
Final Verdict:
Ambience was lovely with sophisticated chic interior decor, served with a touch of understated luxury setting. It's aimed to be posh yet inviting, and hit the mark perfectly.

The service was a little TOO eager, with 5 different waiters asking me what wine/cocktails I would like to have within a span of 5mins. That isnt including repeat queries by 2 waiter. It got to a point I have to tell them to BACK OFF and internally rendering them desperate.... Depending on which waiter who serve you, you can get a range of very shy, collected, or alittle abrupt waiter service. While they are perfectly alright and friendly enough, I have yet get the sense that they are immaculate nor professionally trained.

The ingredients are really fresh, well prepared and served in the most delightful presentation. To have a true sample of the wide assortment, we tried the "Winter Taster" menu @ HK$1380++/ per person (min 2), which comprised of chef's selections. I have to say the alacarte looked really yummy as well. After the many courses, there was one/two misses which wasnt particularly impressive but overall, we were pleasantly delighted. At the end of the meal, I felt the portions were just right.

A truly memorable experience and if you have someone special to impress or treat, or a occasion due for celebration, this is definitely a place worthy of consideration.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Updating your Overseas Address

For those fellow Singaporeans currently living overseas, did you know that you should register your new contact with ICA, as well as

Quote:" If u havent done so, you are strongly encouraged to do so." Unquote

Well if you did know, good for u because I didnt. I mean come one, how widely circulated is this? I had only updated IRAS all along since that was the only one that actually mattered. So the information above was relatively new to me, though I did figure before I had to tell some govt body otherwise if there is some natural disaster, how on earth will anyone look for me under their contact/ statistics right? Yeah well, guess it just didnt cross my mind which ministry it was. Well, at least it means NOT all the govt systems are linked. I am more aware of the fact that Active Servicemen have to inform Mindef (or get into trouble..) before they depart the country more than this.... funny....

Anycase, this tidbit only came about when I was asked to re-register myself onto the electoral roll, (and not when I collect my renewed passport at the HK consular). The guy was pretty efficient and nice about the whole thing, giving me more information that I expected. Either he is a newbie full of zest, or its some hidden improvement works to our public service. :P

So there, thought I'll put it here in case anyone else has anyuse for the link above.

Quote of the Day:
"Try to learn something about everything and everything about something."
- Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895)span>

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Innocent Love: Episode 3 Summary

Yeah...Innocent Love Episode 3 is out and here's my summary! I finally found some time to watch it after finishing off my work at hand. Not bad episode though some parts was a little illogical.

Watch Video: Innocent Love #03

Episode 3 Summary

The story start off at Jun's house, with Kano accidentally knocking off the photo album while cleaning. She discovered the couple shots of Jun and his fiance, and realised that she was the sole reason that Jun was able to smile so radiantly despite having lost his immediate family.

As Jun had saw his fiance smiled the last time, he asked the doctor over for evaluation. The doctor informed Jun and his friend that there is no change in Kyo's condition and any facial expression change is common in comatose patient, but has no conscious attachment to it. Jun was disappointed...

During dinner with the priest and Mizuki -the "ugly girl", the priest tried to hint to Jun that he should move on with his life and stop shuttling between church activities and his home, neglecting his song creation work (not to waste his uni education made possible by the ugly girls father and the community). Jun diplomatically stopped the priest in his track about his offer to repair the church organ in another province. While walking home together with ugly girl, Jun confided in her about the doctors diagnosis and his different opinion, stating that it is not Kyo's character to just smile for nothing. The ugly girl stopped in her tracks and looked pissed at his words, showing an ugly face that wants to kill someone. Jun turned around and saw the ugly girl has disappeared.

Back at Jun's place, Kano heard a sound from the "forbidden" room and went to the door, reaching out for the handle. She rem Jun's specific instruction not to enter the room and hesitated and Jun called out to her from behind, not realising her intentions. She declined the overtime pay and guiltly ran off. Just as Jun walked off, he heard the "alarm" and rushed into teh room, only to discover the oxygen tube had been disconnected.

Jun discussed the incident to his best friend. His friend asked if Jun thought Kano had done it. Jun replied he didnt know, and is it a strange thought if he think that his fiance might have pulled it off herself, and that maybe she actually was aware of her surrounding unlike the doctor's diagnosis. Jun continuned to wonder why she would overdose on sleeping pills on their wedding day eve. His friend rejected Jun's theory, and showed him the unmoving sleeping fiance in the room via Jun's mobile remote cam

Kano worked hard to look for a technician job for his brother. She pleaded with the owner that her brother would not be released on parole if he doesnt have a job. The owner conceded and Kano happily wrote the good news to her brother. However, very soon, she received a call from the owner to reject her brother as his wife was uneasy about his criminal record. Down to no hope, she proposed to sell the land of her old burnt down home to subsidise for the brother living expenses as required by law during parole. She was horrified and sadden by all the abusive posters asking them to leave town at the burnt down site.

When Kano returned to Jun's place, Jun stop her from cleaning and passed her the envelope for her pay. Jun couldnt explain his reason, and Kano thought of all her prior job rejections due to his brother. Sadden, she rejected the pay and said she understood, ran out of the house sobbing. Jun feeling helpless asked his fiance if she had pulled off the tube herself or did Kano did it? Unknown to him, the fiance's hand twitched and showed movement.

That night, the reporter is back to ask Kano more details about her brother and family. Tried as she did, she couldnt rem details on that fateful night except lighting of candles. She started to get a headache and suddenly recalled someone went into her room into the middle of the night, and took off her quilt cover. Kano started hyperventilating and went into shock. She told the reporter she cannot rem and was too tired and he left, with more questions in his head.

Kano visited her brother to tell him the bad news of the job but he already knew from the jail officer. She shared with him that she couldnt rem details of the night and of her parents. The bro asked if the reporter has talked to her and asked her to ignore him as all reporters only write articles that are beneficial to themselves. He yelled at Kano that he doesnt care if the rest of the world finds him guilty, so long as Kano believes in his innocence. Seeing his sister in shock, he talked about Jun. She said she didnt stand a chance and her bro said its Jun's fault. Kano blanked out, before unconsciously but cruelly blurted out that actually, everything was her brother's fault: that she couldnt have a successful job or love life. Both of them were shocked at her outburst.

That night, Kano ended up outside Jun's place, with the thoughts of only wanting to see him from afar. Instead, she saw the doc leaving Jun's place and Jun's friend. Jun was setting off on a trip to repair the church organ with ugly girl. Ugly girl confess to Jun that she would go to hell as she harbour evil thoughts about wanting Jun's fiance to die, to stop holding him back, so that Jun can live his own life and be free. She scooted off to the bus to wait for him before he could answer. Jun dropped his mobile on his way to the coach and discovered the video connection to his fiance is dead. He panicked and told ugly girl in the coach that he needed to leave for home, leaving ugly girl in surprise.

Back home, Kano saw Jun's friend leaving his home. She went inside (i didnt expect her to still have the keys! Stalker!) and heard the alarm. She saw Kyo, knowing she is someone impt to Jun, she tried to connect back the tube but Jun's friend stopped her. They struggled and Jun came home in time to reactivate the tube. Seeing the accusation on Jun's face, Kano fled the house. Jun wanted to run after her but his friend confess the culprit was him, as he also wanted Jun to be free to live his own life and not be destroyed by Kyo.
Jun found Kano sobbing and before she could run away, he apologised profusely for ever doubting her. He explained Kyo identity and that despite medical negative diagonsis, he still hold out hope that Kyo will awake one day and cannot shake off that thought and so he talks to Kyo everyday and pray for her recovery. Even though he may also think he is an idiot at times, but yet, he cannot imagine his life without her, for he would no longer have any happiness if she dies. Seeing his tears, Kano held his hand and said "If it is so, I would also pray for you, because I want you to be happy and be blissed, and so I will also pray for her to awake one day."

Hearing such comforting words from Kano which vastly differed from others around him, Jun finally teared a sigh of relief from Kano's understanding. Kano looked at him compassionately (or lovingly).

The next day, Kano went to Jun's place as per normal and surprised to see Jun unlocked the door to the forbidden room. When Kano saw the genuine smile on his face as he happily chat to Kyo while holding her fav flower, Kano also smiled. Later Jun offered to recommend a restuarant cleaning job to Kano and she was happily overwhelmed

Meanwhile, Kano's bro is released from jail. While waiting at the train station, her bro excused himself to toilet but actually went to make a public call, threatening the reporter to stay away from Kano or he will kill him.

At home, her brother saw the couple shot of Jun and Kano. He chanced upon the church address and on pretext for going for a stroll, hewent to "stalk" Jun at the church instead. (What a silbing pair of stalkers!!!). Meanwhile, his sister was praying to god not to take away her little happiness she has now

Episode Review
I thought it was strange Jun would doubt Kano for the "incident" since she has no keys to the room, and even more, if Kano was cleaning the house that whole day, how can the friend manage to sneak into the locked room to unplug the tube the first time, since the alarm will sound very quickly upon disconnection. I thought that scene was a little unaccounted for.

Now I am wondering if Kano's brother has some silbing crush and in love with Kano? He is suppose to have weak body when he was young, hence spending alot of time with kano. But he sure look strong and mean and violent streak in him man. Any bets if he was really the one who killed the parents? Hmmm...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

J-Music: "Innocent Love" Theme Song

If you have already jumped on the wagon, in following the new Japanese Drama "Innocent Love", then you would recognise this theme song : Eternally-Drama Mix.

As suggested by the title is not a brand new song, but rather a remix of Hikaru older song from her 2001 album "Distance". Some find it blah, but I thought its ok.
Anycase, here it is, the digital release for Hikku's fan and followers...


Monday, November 3, 2008

Can I have your chicken?

I almost forgotten to blog this rather funny incident, so here goes.
The opening of this true story goes like this.
"What would you do if someone from the next table ask to sample your food ?"

That was exactly what had happened to me and my friend when we were having dinner in a Japanese diner - Sushi Suma in Sydney...

It was actually my first visit and my girlfriend suggested to share as the set serving can be rather substantial (for asian tummy). So we went ahead with Fried Chicken cutlet and my god, it was really huge! Served piping hot, while it isnt gourmet Japanese food, it was still rather good.
It is definitely value for money, if and only if you do not mind the small selection of food there. My gf told me there is usually a long Q but we were lucky that night to be only 3rd in line.

As we reached the limits of our tummy, we decided to just pack back the remaining portions but we carried on chatting. That was when the funny thing happened. The Australian bloke sitting next to me interrupted us politely.

Once he got our full attention and his mates at his table snickering away, the chap sheepishly requested "I was wondering if you mind doing a chicken swop. U see, your fried chicken looked really tempting and I just wanted to know how it tasted. I would swop a piece of our chicken with yours."

I thought it was really funny. My gf and I looked at each other and laughed, and told him that he should feel free to help himself. We told him that we are too full to take another chicken but he can have a piece of ours. The guy hesitated. His expression was funny because he looked so torn about the fact that it wont be a swop and he probably didnt want to come across as if he was sponging on us. He kept offering his chicken and we kept saying no. He still didnt make a move. Sensing his "awkward" sentiment, I took a piece of our chicken and place it on his plate and told him to "just eat it..really!" He grinned and asked "Really?!! Thanks!" and took a big bite.

My gf and I continued our conversation and the guys next to us started laughing. We turn round and the chap declared: "That was the best fried chicken ever! Even better than KFC!!" We all laughed. He jokingly asked if he could have another piece which he quickly decline when we took him seriously and offered the remaining portion. So the conclusion was that our fried chicken dish was a much better choice than theirs ( i think its teriyaki or something).

After they left, and just when we though things had resumed to normal. Something even more biazzare continued. Out of nowhere, one of the Japanese staff handed me a cordless phone. "Your call" he said in halting English. I was like "Huh?!!! My call in a restaurant" I looked at him with a HUGE question mark hanging over my head, but the Jap waiter simply nod and usher me to take the call.

I gingerly took the call and my gf who was equally surprised by the turn of the event speechlessly stared on. When I said "Hello", I was greeted by a woman and she started a series of questions in mandarin with the first question "I like your chair, can you tell me where I can get the same chair?" Alittle stunned, I asked her back in Mandarin "You know this is a Japanese restaurant right? This is NOT a furniture shop."

The woman then started her elaborate story about how she ate at the diner the day below and she loved the chair. I was like looking at the chair and thinking to myself, its just a normal plain wooden chair for god sake. By now, the local diners around us are staring at me strangely and my gf was grining away at my "plight".

After I have ascertain the fact that she wasnt a nutter and she genuinely wanted the chair, I had to scan the restaurant for the same waiter who had gone off to do his job. He came back and I explained the situation to him and without a word, he grabbed a spare chair from another table, inverted it and plonked it on my lap. So there i was, head between 4 legs, bending over trying to read the tiny supplier label pasted at the base of the chair seat. Ok, this is a really biazzare sight and by now, I literally have the attention from ALL the diners in the restaurant as I was reading the email address of the supplier to the woman on the line. Someone must have been too curious and I overheard my girlfriend explaining the "request" on line, and then laughters followed

When the call ended, I handed the phone back to the waiter. He thanked me profusely and explain he had no idea what the woman was saying. So seeing that I was chinese and the only 2 in the whole place, I guess he presume I can handle the call for him rather than just hanging up. Interesting thought process....

So the night ended with the 2 of us laughing away at the whole night. What are the odds of having someone from next table asking for a piece of your chicken, and then have the waiter shove a phone to you and finally finding yourself with a big heavy wooden chair sitting upsidedown on your lap? Reality is stranger than friction at times but it was hilarious and memorable i guess. I wonder if I am a magnet for all the odd things in the world, or do other people have similar story to share? Hmmmm....

Quote of the Day:
"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."
- Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

C-Music: 魔杰座- 說好的幸福呢

Went to HMV tonight and saw the latest release 魔杰座 by Jay Chou. I think its a pretty mediocre album though I do like the fancy theme cover shot. Some tracks are alright and some are just there for me to hit the skip button. As far this is one of the 3 favs songs I prefer from the album. I'm not sure if its really worth buying the whole album vs per song purchase... u head out to CD store and decide for yourself. I will only share one track here.

說好的幸福呢 dwnload

作詞 : 方文山 作曲 : 周杰倫 監製 : 周杰倫

妳的回話凌亂著 在這個時刻
我想起噴泉旁的白鴿 甜蜜散落了

情緒莫名的拉扯 我還愛妳呢
而妳斷斷續續唱著歌 假裝沒事了

時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇 妳冷了 倦了 我哭了
離開時的不快樂 妳用卡片手寫著 有些愛只給到這 真的痛了

怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了
開心與不開心一一細數著 妳再不捨
那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得

妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢

妳的回話凌亂著 在這個時刻
我想起噴泉旁的白鴿 甜蜜散落了

情緒莫名的拉扯 我還愛妳呢
而妳斷斷續續唱著歌 假裝沒事了

時間過了 走了 愛情面臨選擇 妳冷了 倦了 我哭了
離開時的不快樂 妳用卡片手寫著 有些愛只給到這 真的痛了

怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了
開心與不開心一一細數著 妳再不捨
那些愛過的感覺都太深刻 我都還記得

妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢

怎麼了 妳累了 說好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不說了 愛淡了 夢遠了我都還記得

妳不等了 說好的 幸福呢
我錯了 淚乾了 放手了 後悔了
只是回憶的音樂盒還旋轉著 要怎麼停呢

C-Music: 愛不疚(林峰)

If U have been watching moonlight resonance (家好月圆), then you wouldnt be unfamiliar with the insert theme song for this tune.


收藏在眼眸 常徘徊左右 愛猜到沒有
愉快玩笑後 能全然退後 你開心就夠

這種感覺太親厚 講一千句也不夠
假使講了你聽到後 或會走
這種戀愛太罕有 不須真正擁有
成全 衷心祝福然後 就放手

放手 放開所有 彼此更自由
放手 其實我絕非愛得不夠
放手 豁出所有 還有這個好友
已經 已經足夠

遙遠是宇宙 靜靜在背後 去看守就夠

這種感覺太親厚 講一千句也不夠
即使一剎有過衝動 挽你手
這種戀愛太罕有 不須真正擁有
成全 多捨不得仍然 是放手

放手 放開所有 彼此更自由
放手 其實我絕非愛得不夠
放手 豁出所有 還有這個好友
已經 已經足夠

放手 我的牽掛 找不到盡頭
放手 期望你幸福甚麼都有
也許 愛很深厚 然而我早看得透
放手 至可擁有