
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hong Kong's yoga boom sparks injury surge

just the other day i was blogging about how i just dont like yoga, and how i find it more stressful on my body... interestingly tonight, here's a recent news article about how the number of yoga related injuries have surged due to various reasons.

sometimes, these yoga centers sweep away such injuries as inexperienced instructors or students over ambitious etc etc, but personally, i think its more to do with the larges classes. how can one instructor oversee a class of 20 or 30 people and ensure everyone gets their postures correct. Even in a small class of 10 in my pilates, it may take a couple of minutes before our instructor who walks around monitoring, can rotate among each student to correct our postures in the different motions.

Hong Kong's yoga boom sparks injury surge
HONG KONG (AFP) - - During her fourth yoga class, Yvonne Kong attempted a seated twist to stretch her spine. She couldn't turn as far as the rest of her class, so the instructor pushed her into the position.

The Hong Kong hairdresser immediately felt a sharp pain in her lower back, which persisted after the class. She visited a chiropractor the next day to begin a course of treatment.

As in many Asian cities, yoga has boomed in Hong Kong over the past few years, but according to some students and medical pracitioners there has been a corresponding spike in injuries.

"Yoga keeps us in business," said chiropractor David Cosman.

It has become the workout of choice for many Hong Kongers in high-pressured jobs as they seek to ease the stress of city life, leading to the establishment of an increasing number of yoga studios.

The Pure Yoga centre opened its first 4,000 square-foot (372 square-metre) studio in Hong Kong in 2002. Now, the chain's largest studio is 35,000 square feet and it has since expanded globally, with branches in Taipei and New York City.

"The busy lifestyle in Hong Kong allows time to perform only one or two hours of exercise a day and they choose yoga because it seems less harsh," said Elton Ng, a physiotherapist specialising in the treatment of sports injuries.

Cosman said the yoga craze has brought his office a steady stream of visits from injured enthusiasts. The most common complaints are of lower back and neck pain.

Eleanor Kee, a chiropractor who works in Causeway Bay said that 20 percent of all her current patients were injured through yoga.

"One of the reasons people injure themselves is that they don't realise (yoga is) more than just some relaxing technique, it's a practice people take years to perfect," she said.

Often, she said, she encounters injuries caused by an instructor forcing a student into a pose.
Chiropractor Heidi Petick said it is important for students to check that instructors have the proper certification.

There is a temptation, she said, for fitness centres to offer yoga classes simply because there is such a high demand.

"There is a strong danger in people having too much faith... when putting your body in someone else's hands," she said.

Carrie Chan had been doing yoga for three years. Around two months ago, she changed her warm-up routine from running to working on a stepper. When she later attempted a simple stretching pose during her yoga class, the 37-year-old felt a sharp pain.

"I heard a sound from my hamstring, like a broken sound," said Chan, who works as a team manager at an insurance firm. Chan said she could hardly walk or sit afterwards and had to go three times a week for three weeks to her chiropractor to relieve the pain.

There have been several personal injury lawsuits filed by yoga students against studios around Hong Kong.

In 2002, Ma Yuen-wah sued the exercise chain California Fitness for an injury she sustained at one of their branches.

The chain's spokesman Ken To would not comment on the court case, but said the firm held regular workshops and ongoing training to maintain and improve the skills of its staff.

In December 2008, a judge ruled that Yoga Plus had to pay more than 300,000 Hong Kong dollars (38,000 US) to a former student who had to be hospitalised after practising yoga for the first time at the company's studio. Yoga Plus closed down five months before the ruling.

Yogananth Andiappan, yoga director at Anahata Yoga, an internationally accredited yoga centre specialising in teaching instructors, said a lack of training for the yoga teacher could result in injuries.

"(Injuries are) possible when instructors are not knowledgeable or experienced in yoga," he told AFP.

J-DRAMA - アイシテル - 海容

My tear ducts went into overdrive these few days while watching the Japanese drama - AISHITERU アイシテル - 海容 [ translated as ''LOVE AND FORGIVENESS'']
watch online WITH ENGLISH SUBS

Previously, I had put off watching this drama because I know it was going to be sad. I am not a person who really want to watch TV to get sad. However, something that day pushed me to try and I figured what do i have to lose if i watched and dont like it, i can always stop. Till today, I AM GLAD I WATCHED IT.

This is possibly the only drama i have watched that made me teared in every episode. The message is unconsciously powerful about the love of a mother, and how the different mothers struggles with her emotional turmoil, ranging from hatred, shock, self doubting, self questioning, self reproach.

The story plot is simple enough, that a bright adorable boy Kiyotaka in 2nd year elementary school was apparently senselessly killed, and worse, by another quiet well behaved boy Tomoya in his 4th year in elementary school.

The victims family was shocked and the mother was left with guilt that it was her fault that she came home too late by 15mins resulting in the unforseen tragedy. The other question was also, why my son. what has my little boy done to deserve such a death.

The culprits family on the other hand was racked with shock, and guilt as well but of a different kind. Both family struggle to cope with the difficult path laid before them as they confront the truth of what had happened.

In the drama, we journeyed through with both family, as they struggled with the loss and reality of the society. The society is undoubtingly harsh and unforgiving to the murderer's family, and the mother was tormented with questions at how her beloved son could do such a thing, robbing another child of a life. The family then took an introspective approach at everything they had done, from raising their kid, to the sort of resentment that had built up unconsciously.

Meanwhile, we also understand the importance of balanced child-raising, preventing trouble shooting off one's mouth. And how when one makes mistakes, its the whole family that suffers along with it especially a mother.

One of my favorite lines below struck a deep chord with me was the victim's mother grappled with the horror of losing her son.
''I can spend several million hours through the nights and days, taking care of my little boy, but nothing I do can ever take back that mere 15 mins, to bring my son back.''

I love this drama for many reasons.

The story is well scripted and executed, and we go through the same emotional cycle as the mother searched for the truth behind his son's crime. It is easy to get lost in her emotions, and her confronting the facts of how her actions may have indirectly be the root of the crime. One cannot but feel the sorrow, and self blaming as the mum did, even if you are not a parent because we all have mothers and the drama is simple enough for u to relate to another's emotion.

This drama is worthy of your time, I truly truly recomend it. Dedicated to all great mothers, and to remind us how communication in a family is always important, and how one member often tries to protect or even hurt one another in every little way unknowingly.

Should you decide to embark on watching this drama, get a few tissue packs on hand. I cannot imagine anyone who can possibly complete 10 episodes without shedding any tears. Once in a while, we need such human drama to remind us the complexity of life, and how we should never take your family for granted.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Penalty for eating sweets on Singapore public train -MRT

Fine for eating sweets [article source]

SHE was feeling giddy and decided to suck on a sweet while riding on an MRT train.
CAUGHT: Housewife Bibi Zaina Mohamed was given a notification of offence for eating a sweet on the train. For doing that, she was slapped with a fine after she was caught by an SMRT officer.

Since last Wednesday, SMRT has been giving out immediate fines to those caught eating or drinking in trains and stations.

Madam Bibi Zaina Mohamed, 48, a housewife, was given a notification of offence for eating a sweet while she was on the train.

It is not yet known how much exactly she will be fined, but first-time offenders who are caught eating are usually fined $30 by the Land Transport Authority. Penalties can go up to $500.

Though Madam Bibi Zaina explained that she took a sweet because she was feeling giddy and thirsty, SMRT officer Roger Foo felt a line had to be drawn. Mr Foo is one of SMRT's 500 station employees who make rostered patrols throughout the day.

He told RazorTV: 'Everyone can tell us that they are thirsty or they have to take sweets because they feel giddy. 'Everyone will start doing that. How are you going to put a stop to that?'

'Even drinking plain water on the train is not allowed. I don't see the reason for that,' she said.

But SMRT's recent crackdown comes as a result of more commuters being fined for eating and drinking over the years. From 276 in 2006, the number has jumped annually. Last year, a record 626 commuters were fined.

Before the crackdown, SMRT used to give warnings and fine only those who were recalcitrant. But from last Wednesday till Tuesday, SMRT has issued 242 notifications of offences.

But is SMRT being too harsh for fining commuters who suck on sweets?

An SMRT spokesman told The New Paper: 'If our officers catch you consuming a sweet, you will get a notification.' Many netizens and commuters feel that SMRT is too strict.

Mr Kam Leong Kiat, 33, an IT worker, said: '(Eating sweets) is like taking medicine. Some people need sugar in their blood, as long as they don't spit it out. It's not something that will cause a mess.'

She said: 'If it's food that can scatter and attract pests, I understand, but having a sweet in the mouth should be fine.

'As for water, if you're not allowed to even take a sip, it would be an uncomfortable experience especially if it's a long journey, like from Pasir Ris to Boon Lay, which takes a long time.'

'If you are sick and need to take medication, you can approach the staff. But if not, and you're caught, you deserve it.'


Need a sweet? Ask staff first

SBS Transit, which runs the North-east Line, will continue to give warnings to commuters caught eating on trains and in stations.

Ms Tammy Tan, the company's vice-president for corporate communications, said: 'We have customer service officers who patrol our trains and their presence do serve as a deterrent against eating or drinking on board.

'They will continue to warn passengers who are caught violating this regulation and those who refuse to comply will be issued with a notification of offence.'

The New Paper asked SMRT if there will be exceptions for certain cases. For instance, what if a commuter has to take his medication?

'Passengers who need to take medication, including lozenges for sore throat, may approach our station staff for assistance,' a spokesman said.

'Special arrangements can be made for these passengers to take their medication within our station premises. Similarly for people who need to eat something for health reasons or caregivers who want to feed their children.'

What about drinking plain water?

The spokesman said: 'Although a liquid may be clear, it is not possible to tell if it is plain water or flavoured.

'Besides, like all other liquids, when spilled onto the floor, it could result in puddles that could cause passengers, for example, children and the elderly, to slip.

'Also, when spilled onto seats, it could dirty passengers' clothing, bags and other personal belongings.'


oh this is soooo freaking ridiculous. this is one of the few things i hate about Singapore. they either completely slack off not caring and idle on the job, or when being exposed after a series of whistle blowing about people chomping on food in the train, the officials immediately jump into actions and follow the rules to a T, without using their brain or discretion. Its almost like robotic nature.

While I totally agree about the non consumption of solid food and drinks in the train journey but come on, penalising someone for having a lolly in the mouth is way way way way way incredulously bordering on stupidity.

If i need a lozenges, i freaking need to ask permission. Ask a staff. What am i, a kid that has a brain but not allow to function. Why do i feel like we are being treated like a herd of brainless sheeps rather than thinking adults.

Granted there are many selfish nincompoop who flouted the rules blatantly by deliberately consuming noodles and burgers on the train previously, but using that as an excuse and banning people from just sucking on a sweet is way beyond freedom of an individual. Plus its a small minority that really ought to be more harshly penalise but instead, even the law abiding ones get the backlash.

Thanks, it only goes to reinforce the point that it seemed that it does not pay to respect the rules in singapore public transport because one does not get rewarded when u follow them, but you definitely get penalised if some other sucker breaks them.

Sure, there are rules and regulations i can respect, for very obvious reasons and considerations to other passengers and cleanliness of public transports that has to zip thousands of people thru the country. And yes where there are rules that ought to have a line drawn, and I do appreciate the banning of food consumption because the smell at times will certainly get to me, but stipulating a fine over a sweet is over the top, and making a mountain out of a molehill.

SMRT, please use your common sense when it comes to enforcing rules and regulations. STOP such autocratical tactics because it is so unbecoming for a developed country. I wish someone would stop this ridiculous ban.

The idea of banning food consumption is mooted with the intention of
- preventing annoying food smell
- dirtying of cabins
- attracting of vermin from scrapes and food bit traces
- accidentally staining other passengers with food

Can someone explain how does lozenges and small lollies fall under the above categories.

Am I to assume that the enforcing of rules about sweet is because of the below
- the company is belittling their own officials be to too incompetent and incapable to use their brain to analyse the situation or/and, the officials are too lazy to use their brain or/and, or most probably, it is only simply to make it convenient for officials to issue fine and warnings because no judgement call is required

So it is a given that one loses all rights as an individual when one is on any public transport. We have no ave of recourse, no channels of protest that will be genuinely considered. This is plain disgustingly high handed and authoritarian attitude on SMRT part.

If a company are unsure on how to move forth before making a decision, that is what focus groups are for. Spend a little time and money to hear from your true stakeholders - the commuters . That would be to provide true public service, and not just going about making arbitrary decisions, spurned from someone sitting in some office floor on some office chair.

Friday, July 24, 2009


i need my private space. A Lot.
i often need private time to chill off on my own.

i like darkness
i love going about doing my stuff with no artificial lights except candles.
its my therapeutic session.

with all the unexplainable negative vibes building up
it was tiring me inside out.

by chance, my husband had company event
i finally could have the house remain in darkness, saved for a few candles.
the tv remained firmly turned off
and only my fav soothing music is playing in the background.
i could tune off everything because the house is finally quiet
i havent felt this great for a long while.

i'm so tired of constantly running ard doing things, running errands
constantly bombarded by noise from all directions
perpetual assault from the glaring lights.

sometimes living with someone else is tough
i can never get this sort of quiet peace around when my husband is at home
he has this insane need of leaving the tv on even if he wasnt watching it
he always leave a trail of lights on in the house
which drives me nuts, not only because its wasting energy
but i feel like i'm under the spotlight at all time with no place to retreat.

at moments when i'm feeling inexplicably down
i miss having my own room at times
lights off, music on
where i can just lay down,
close my eyes and drift off...

sometimes my husband gets annoyed
like he doesnt understand
why i just want to seal myself off to recharge
he needs an explanation for everything
i hate explaining myself for everything
sometimes, there is just no explanation

this is the trade off for marriage i suppose
your life, your lifestyle,
is no longer just yours alone to lead.

Clazziquai- WIZARD OF OZ MV

for a change from my depressing mood [SOooo unbecoming], here's a uber cheery music video from Clazziquai's new album for track, WIZARD OF OZ [track]. The clip featured a couple of familiar cute faces...

Its a morbid depressing month.
So many people have passed away.
Not people that I know directly but most are parents of friends and excolleagues.

What can u say to people who have lost their loved ones.
Nothing u say will make a shred of difference.
Nothing u say will make the person feel better

What do they need to hear
What do u need to say
Do they need solitude, or do they need support.
How do u know what they want

I am always at loss as to how to react, what to write in a card
Conscious of the sort of the deliberate expression to wear on my face
Its not that I dont care, I do
Its just that I dont know how to react to an intimate pain which is not mine.
I just feel everything I say or do are excessive and has no relevance.

Can I sympathise with the loss, yes.
Can I empathise with the pain, no.

I like neither chinese weddings nor funerals.
The extreme wave of emotions disrupts me, rankles me.
Overt display of joy riles me.
Overspill of sadness destablises me.
Anger rattles my cage
Does that makes me a weird person, a strange person, or a bad person.
my brother sent me this couple of days again.
i laughed with the play of word and for sure, it rang some truth to it. ha







































Thursday, July 23, 2009


Clazziquai Project is one of the few korean groups that I would consistently anticipate their album release. They are not teens idols, they are proper musicians and their albums to date have never disappoint.

Their 4th release continues to impress with new music trends. The injection of POP, House combined with a variety of electronic tempo neatly woven together, has significantly created a new unique wave of modern, chic and chill lounge atmosphere with its solid bass and light beat rhythm. Alex continues to captivate his female audience with his ozzing sexy voice

Below is the cover for their japan release cd cover.
i really dont like their korean cover version with the mask face guy
this is my much anticipated album after their 2 years break. Enjoy.

클래지콰이 프로젝트 4집 - Mucho Punk / Mucho Musica

01. 초콜릿 트러플 [chocolate truffles] [DOWNLOAD]  
02. Kiss Kiss Kiss 
03. Love Again [DOWNLOAD]  
04. 사랑끝에 [DOWNLOAD]
05. Tell Yourself
06. Back in Time [DOWNLOAD]
07. Lazy Sunday Morning
08. Take a Walk [DOWNLOAD]  
09. The Road
10. Spinning the World 
11. 라푼젤
12. Wizard of OZ [DOWNLOAD]

TRACK 1 - 초콜릿 트러플

TRACK 8 - Take a Walk

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A rude bogus Sprite TV AD

I am certainly no prude but this is what i call stretching the acceptable boundaries of ADVERTISEMENT too far on broad medium channel - TV. Whoever directed this ad is either a tasteless porn perv or totally has no utter consideration or respect of values of others.

Rather than asking what is it about the bogus ad that calls for censorship, how about asking why is there a need to use sex to sell a perfectly innocent softdrink beverage. There is a difference between active search for sexual materials and delivering it right at my doorsteps.

Of course coke company says they have never endorsed or authorised such an ad, which i am inclined to believe and thank god the management hasnt gone nuts to even think of allowing such ad go on air.

Monday, July 20, 2009

C-Music - 齊秦. 夜夜夜夜

just finished watching the local singing competition program on tv, and came across this old melo song which really tug at one's heart string. such a hauntingly beautiful love track.

so here it is, if u have also never heard it before, its a track by QI QIN -
齊秦[ 夜夜夜夜] download

作曲:熊天平, 編曲:
監製:, 填詞:熊天平

想問天你在哪裡 我又想問問我自己
一開始我聰明 結束我聰明 聰明得幾乎都毀掉了我自己

想問天問大地 或者是迷信問問宿命
放棄所有 拋下所有 讓我漂流在安靜的夜夜空裡

你也不必牽強再說愛我 反正我的靈魂已片片凋落
慢慢的拼湊 慢慢的拼湊 拼湊成一個完全不屬於真正的我

我不願再放縱 我不願每天每夜每秒漂流

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The most embarassing thing today was that I got my Japanese kanji characters mixed up with my chinese characters. Something i never ever thought would happen. While i was writing the word for teeth off my head, I did thought the word look a little too complicated and luckily i did a quick google and spotted my mistake immediately.

Hair product recommend; Keratase nutridefense spray

i am a on off user of Keratase products. I am not a perpetual user in the past, primarily because i found their hair products a little dry for my hair. Granted their hair shampoo always leave my hair squeaky clean, but their conditioner doesnt seem to work well for me.

Recently on my return visit to my fav hairstylist in singapore, he told me my hair was overly dry and recommended this keratase nutridefense spray for me. i will take his word mostly since he doesnt make it a habit to push any products to me. for one, he doesnt seem to believe in sales pitch, and two, he know me well enough and call me 'lazy' girl who doesnt like to buy and put excess products on my hair.

Since i concede my hair were really feeling drier than usual, i took up his suggestion and grab this spray on that is suppose to make my hair softer and more hydrated.

i tried it for a week and i love it. in fact, the effect is pretty much evident once first application. the spray application is to be used after shampooed and towel dried hair, avoiding the scalp. the product is non greasy, light weight which means no weighing your long hair down feeling, and i could not tell i had spray anything on. it's honestly a fabulous hair product for any lady with shoulder length hair and beyond, and want that soft airy feeling hair texture the next day or whole day depending when u wash your hair.

of course i must add, i wash my hair everyday and so the effect only last if you spray it on everyday i suppose. On those days when i dont use it, the nice soft effect disappears. Still, it definitely worked its magic as promised when u used it. they never claim the effect is lasting so i cannot fault them. Plus, there is no such thing as miracle product as far as i am concerned.

taiwanese food fair at citysuper

One of the good things i like about staying in hk and citysuper are all the endless food fair from various countries they have at the citysuper supermart. of course the usual ones are from various parts of japan that always feel me feeling excited for a food sucker like me.

The recent food fair is another one of those that feel me feeling exhilarate. Its the food fair from taiwan. i went crazy, from snatching the crispy deyi black pepper prawn cracker/ deyi xia bing, my fav taiwan sausages, the dan-tsu noodles. the best were the fruits. my super fav reddish skin iven mango - 愛文芒果, and the apple fragrant pineapple that has little pulp and very soft center core.II just love taiwan fruits. nothing beats taiwan when it comes to fresh produce in general, though i do cave in quite frequently to Pakistan mango as well....i use to cart home like huge cartons of different Pakistan mango types when i was still living in singapore..

Then they were also selling the almond milk drink... my basket was packed full before i even was near the checkout line, still waiting for my white bitter gourd pineapple juice to come.

My husband is rarely exposed to Taiwan fresh produce for some reason. he is more accustomed to fruits from Thailand and Philippines in general. so he was rather pleasantly surprised by the mango and the pineapples last night.

This afternoon, i cooked fried rice, throwing in the chopped pieces of Taiwan sausages and roast duck, carrots and beaten eggs. From his original intention of a small bowl of rice, he went for 2 additional helpings. as i chuckled and asked him what happen to his so call small lunch, he blamed it on the Taiwan sausages.., 'damn those sweet Taiwan addictive.' ha. i sense a soon to be convert....

i love taiwan sauages. i could wolf down a pack of 12 of whatever back in uni. i rem cutting some boring robotics lectures with my buddy, and scouted off back to his hostel room just to snack on those taiwan sauages while sitting on the window bay enjoying the breeze. our hall rooms used to face a huge green empty patch that stretch indefinitely to some far off distance ending in some mist. Our hostel was actually built on a mini hill slope at one of the higher point in the campus. so it was really great with all that tranquility and non concrete view.

For some unknown reason, Till this day, i could still rem that mouth watering moment, as i waited patiently as he completed grilling those rows of sauages in the portable griller. i could almost still rem that delicious smell combined with that of the soothing after-rain grass scent.

That was a good day, a simple day, with a good friend, a satisfying chill can of coke, uncomplicated and bliss moment in life.

typhoon 8 aftermath...sigh

The typhoon 8 storm last night was electricfying man... it was one of those super duty charged orchestra of mericless rain and whipping lashing wind.

The storm was so bad that not only ir woke me up from my deep slumber, it totally wet my interior from the most unlikely places. The wind was so hard that it send the wet rain through my stove exhaust pipe and the tube, and send all the water flooding through my oil exhaust. The lucky thing was that i just clean my exhaust and the oil container, so it was minimal grease all over my kitchen top.

the next unlikely place was the wind and rain coming through my air con. we had the old model where the natural wind was pump through those square box. the lucky thing was that my expensive shoes were slightly away from the window, and my 'laziness' saved the day because i left the box of nike shoes with the plastic bag sitting on top of the rest of teh shoe box. somehow the plastic box ended up holding all the water sparing the rest from water damage.

so i have to spend a good part of my morning recleanin the kitchen. that's the price of staying in an old apartment i suppose. well, it gave me a good workout today i guess from the mopping and cleaning...

still, i really nope the next typhoon wont be blowing our direction so soon again. i'm surprised with all the angry wind, the trees werent uprooted.

Friday, July 17, 2009

c-music - 唐禹哲

Like this new song by 唐禹哲- 新歌

聽起來整個感覺 很棒 ... 今天就來分享吧。

新歌 - download

唐禹哲 - 新歌
作詞:林怡鳳 作曲:陳烔傾/洪俊揚



可能不同 看不看開的執著
可能太痛 有些畫面謀合

唱一首歌 我最懂的 心歌


可能不同 看不看開的執著
可能太痛 有些畫面謀合

唱一首歌 我最懂的 心歌

可能不同 看不看開的執著
可能太痛 有些畫面謀合

唱一首歌 我最懂的心歌

Thursday, July 16, 2009

on my last few night in town, one of my ex-colleague made extra effort to come down to town to meet for a drink at my hotel. Truthfully i was too exhausted to head out.

She did the talking the next 2 hours after we met which frankly i dont mind at all since the idea is to find out how other people are doing. it was a good chat and we promised to stay in touch. i hope her new job works out for her. she had a tough past year and i hope something really nice happen to her for a change. hopefully a new guy would appear in her life too.

visit to ex company

Made a short trip back to my old office to have lunch with some of my excolleagues. We headed to the my old favourite coffeeshop for the western blackpepper chicken chop...yummy.... apparently my fav hawker center got burnt down and so there goes my one dollar ice dessert.... damn.

I headed to the purchasing department first, since its the girls i am having lunch with today. i was alittle shock at the commotion and the screaming. ok, i felt like a celebrity there for that short 30secs i causally joked to the girls.

It was really a reunion of somesort, still seeing many familiar faces there. I was alittle taken back when elise started to tear and told me she really missed me. ok I was at lost coz i wasnt expecting her to cry. then she 'shoo' me away before i made a waterfall out of her. walked over to say hi to some managers that used to be really nice to me too, not to mention as a courtesy since i was apparently causing some work disturbances and disruption..ha. everyone's still good, though looking more tired. Before i headed off, some girls started to complain about some of my old staff whose service level has gones to shambles after i left. I felt sorry for the users but at the same time, suddenly relieved i am no longer facing end user support which will choke the life out of u over time. i had enjoyed my work then, and glad that people still rem my work, but the stage of that life is over man. amen.

Before lunch, i popped downstairs to my old IT department. apparently my [former] big boss was still ard waiting for my 'arrival'. as usual, a round of banter and jibes are without saying. i asked my Big boss if he was being renewed as the slimming center spokesperson since he has lost virtually another bout of fat. I missed the santa claus size of my big boss. now, he just looked so drained, filled with fatigue, not to mention the furious onslaught of white hairs. he laughed and said i havent change with my tongue-in-cheek humor. why would i change for that matter. i'm old, cast and concrete man.
My direct boss initially wasnt gonna join us for lunch, being that he was too busy reviewing the contract my big boss gave him. as usual, giving me the honors, my big boss extended his time line and insisted that he take me out for lunch instead since big boss couldnt join us as he was waiting for a call. haaa haaaa. Talk about uber privilege.

As my big boss was walking me down to the front lobby as my other boss was fetching his car, we saw a few other company colleagues. i didnt know if one of them was making a bad taste joke, or a snide remark when he said ' so you came back begging for a job.'

Before i can reply, my big boss replied 'Actually no, I am the one begging her to come back to work.' big boss, as sweet as ever and always backing me up. heh. that should silence some nasties. Why on earth would i want to come back and slog my arse off again. Not to mention back to IT, kidding right. NO FREAKING WAY. Then again, i just have to forgive some people who simply have no tact nor diplomacy.

When the guy left, my big boss turned and asked me when i am gonna come back and 'scold' all those aggravating people for him. He proceeded to recall of my glorious 'track record', of my fearless tongue lashing at any incompetent moron regardless of their designation [ well prob i would stop short at the uber top top top mgmt level, aint that suicidal yet..]

He started to tell me just the other day, someone asked him if the dept could change the version number of one of the corporate security policy i had written previously. 'but you cannot just arbitrarily change a version if there has been no modification in content nor a qualified review' i commented. Exactly his point, my big boss replied. The document was still valid and working accordingly and there wasnt a reason to change. [ omitting another major reason.....]

I laughed recalling. yup, i knew that will always be something that will be remembered... yet at the same time also appreciative how my big boss was always there to cover my back. then again, i always knew i was blessed with good bosses.
After packing so many people into my short schedule, it was time to wind down. before that, had a short chat with another of my IJ gf, moo moo.

Not bad, i managed to meet almost everyone from our secondaryl group this trip. Those days were honestly the best esp being in a convent school. i dont think i would want it any other way.

Back then, it was hanging out at Macs, copying homework from one another, cracking silly jokes, shopping together, and lunching out together, playing sports together, and dashing in the rain getting soaked together, playing pranks together, not to mention having a common dislike entity together...those were the carefree days. the only thing we never did have were boyfriends back in school then, which probably was what made our bond tighter.

With every one of them, i have a set of unique, private memories of the times we spent together, inner thoughts and secrets confided in one another, from then till now. These are the people i grew up with, and i hope to grow old with because nothing beats hanging out with people you know from way back.

Another new born

On another day, found time to visit another high school gf, cyn and her new born baby. we chatted till the cows come home.

Being both architects, they have the most unusual choice [ for sg at least] for their sons. The new son 'Oscar' is named after his daddy's fav architect.

Its still a good sensible name, and fortunately [relief] not any of those arty-farty airy fad names - that looks like its misspelt by some nincompoops or some pretendious couple. [fortunately for me, because none of my close friends are stupid enough to name their kids with silly names. otherwise i honestly dont know how to react. amen.]

The highlight was that it was kinda strange sitting across the bed chatting, and she was doing those mechanical pumping milk thing. I am not kidding, its really like pumping a cow udders. i was telling moo moo later, that i didnt know where to look. It was somewhat distracting talking to her, and have the 2 pumps mechanically doing their job. its rather eye opener i must say.

Oscar is the first baby ever, to ever fart in my presence. In fact, before him, i never even know that babies fart. haaa haaa haaa. i didnt think there was anything in their milk diet would make them bloated enough to fart. so imagine my utter surprise when he started ripping away as he woke for his milk feed. i had such a good laugh.

with all the silence from him during the rest of day, imagine my burst of laughter when he gave another loud fart just as i was saying bye to cyn.

'That's his goodbye to u' his mummy joked. Funny ;p

catching up

oh. got to catch up with D and his Russian wife diane too on the same day. the food at Bakerzin is better than I expected. The grilled wings are pretty good.

Its amazing how good diane's English is now. I remembered the first time when we met 2 years ago, she could barely speak much and haltingly. yet now, she could go on and on like a machine gun, non stop without catching her breathe. talk about impressive wow... She is so good at her talking that she can even get on the case of those china students in her class, complaining about their dishonesty and cheating using other people to do their assignments... so funny.

I was telling D i didnt know if its funnier watching his wife bitching so rapidly, or the fact that even she was bitching those dishonest china nationals in singapore. It brings home a point doesnt it...

D was sharing that when he first met his wife, he had thought she was those quiet introvert sort who doesnt talk much. now that she has mastered the medium, he couldnt believe how she can talk non stop. it was hilarious seeing his expression.

its a good catch up and knowing everyone is well. the next time i see him, we prob have more to talk about with him being in a new daddy role.

a date with gwenie, and the kids

My paper is finally over... yeah! Prob nailed the written part but as usual... listening is always a bloody challenge... Back to bloggin my Singapore trip! Got a chance to meet up with Gwenie after her med exam and to make the date even better, Tracy and family with their bubbies came along. Talk about rare treat esp for one of those last min thingie. I was still trying to find time to visit Gor gor's little new prince and presto, they saved me one trip ;p

We decided to meet at Cityhall being the most central I can think off
To the anxious papa wWF, here are the belated pictures of your beautiful princess and prince ;p

Big Cheek's signature grin before the feast...

Here's one of big cheeks contemplative look on our other choc cakes apart form hers, and followed by another shot of her satisfied look after her feasting. The little one made our money worth that day, finishing up the other 2 half eaten cake which we aunties couldnt stuff in further.

it's always amazing to see how quickly little toddlers grow up, esp seeing my gf';s kids. my little big cheek is blossoming so prettily and every bit as adorable as before, not to mention lightweight. hahahaha.

Then again, i rem an old chinese saying, that is 'a girl should weight lightly to have a good life ahead, while boys should have heavy bones to be sturdy and successful in life.' Every wise old saying has a bit of truth in it i'm sure.

After feasting on cakes and more cakes at Canele, we decided to head to gwenie's bachelorette pad at Icon. Big cheek originally wanted to follow me and gwenie in our car, but as i lifted her up in my arms, her pants and dressie was wet. ok, i have plenty of wet tissue in my tote thanks to the swine flu thingie and unhygienic behavior of most sgporeans in public area. no problem. However upon closer inspection, we realised it was spilled water and not pee peee. so princess has no choice but to return to the warm embrace of her doting daddie.

Kids are so fickle or realistic.sigh. After she arrived at gwenie's place, she doesnt want to follow me anymore since i have no more cake to offer... sob sob. Now she has more interesting thing to play with like exploring the mid level gardens in the complex. Its really quite a nice spot up there abeit a little warm and humid in sg's weather. A lovely chillout place for those cooler nights i supposed.
As i flipped thru the pictures, Gwenie looked absolutely maternal and at ease holding the 2 kids, where by comparison, my husband laughed and said my shot with the kids looked a little odd, more like an au pair having fun than an adult... sigh...what can i say. absolutely no maternal instincts or whatsoever.

big cheek was roaming happily ard and aw....back to granting permission to me to hold her little dainty palms. what do adults have to do to suck up to kiddies to gain their affection man..hmmm
At gwenie's place. The little princess had a whale of a time it seems with all the platform for her to run up and down. Kids are such bundle of energy. Totally envious for a woman reaching middle age.
Little prince was equally well behaved and quiet. His face scrunched up alittle when the temp got a tad too warm for him but otherwise, he slept thru like a good boy. My friends are so blessed with great kids, which in turn is a blessing for me when we meet up. haaaaaaaa
here's one for the contented snoozing prince

Holy water ban to halt swine flu

It is news like this that should brought fanatics back to reality - that "faith" is only a state of mind...

The "holy" water is not so holy afterall huh... it can ward off "demons" but not virus. A "demonic work-around"? haaaa. Somehow the irony of it makes me wanna laugh...


BBC: Holy water ban to halt swine flu

A bishop has advised that holy water be removed from churches in a bid to halt the spread of swine flu.

The Bishop of Chelmsford, the Right Reverend John Gladwin, said at some churches people were invited make a sign of the cross using holy water.

"The water in stoups can easily become a source of infection and a means of rapidly spreading the virus," he said.

In a directive to priests in Essex, he added: "It is not our intention at this stage to cause panic."

He said priests should also advise members of their congregation who have flu-like symptoms to stay at home. [read more]

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

buzzer beat episode 1

i gave up. i finally succumbed to my tv drama addiction and took an hour out to watch the latest new drama - buzzer beat episode 1. i tried to convince myself that its an hour well spent honing my listening skils. yeah right...self consolation...

not bad not bad, its quite peppered with humorous lines. the story is about this professional basket ball team member and its coach, entwined with love story with this girl who plays violin.
worthy of my hour well spent, at least for this one hour.

for those interested, the video is out on veoh.
to read more summary, here

the 'empty' unit next door

I should be intensively mugging for my Jap paper but failing miserably. Been feeling rather restless. Wasnt sure if its attributed to the heat or the bloody renovation drilling going on that is preventing me from getting into the mood. The thing about living in older high rise place, there is always someone feeling uber rich and splashing money all over their place.

Not sure if my neighbour is selling his place, or still desperately renting his out. Since I have been here in a year, I have already seen 3 changes of tenant. The first Indonesian family left because their work required new posting. The 2nd tenant came and left so fast that I never even got to see their faces! The most recent 3rd tenant, an american husband with Taiwanese wife was even better, they were out in less than 4 weeks!

Apparently the american chap hated the place from what I heard from the grapevine. I reckon its their Italian neighbor above, constantly making a ruckus.

Previously we too had issue with noise from our neighbor upstairs. It was those freaking loud stomping noise esp in the master room that went on and on and on till like 2am in the morning. It was actually stressful trying to sleep but someone thumping all over above u. I felt like someone was whacking my head with a muffled hammer. Othertimes, people were like dragging chairs all over the place like a ghosthouse.

So several times, I left a few polite note to get them to tone down. No avail. I feedback to the management and he basically forgot about it for months. Finally my hubby got fed up and knock on their door. Hisindignant and 'felt wronged' persona is not something that even I want to mess with. The 2 Hk people insisted it wasnt them and that they too had an equal noise pollution from their italian neighbor, who are constantly boozing and having parties, making huge din. no wonder the people below that italian family never lasted. Meanwhile, our neighbors after the very polite exchange but prob intimidating experience for them. unlike australian who would vocally outright put you in your place, hk people are less confrontational in that and prefer to suffer in silence or through some paper or 3rd people mediator. unfortunately, my husband and i are 'doer' people and doesnt believe in passing the message game. well at least it worked. they finally stopped making all sort of noise. not a peep squeek ever since. thank god....

back to my neighbor's unit.
well unless the italian family above move out, no one in the sane mind can live in a noisy unit below them. i have see 3 waves of people over to view the apartment now, with bright smiles plastered all over. as i peeked through the eye hole, i was thinking 'ha.. you folks wont be laughing anytime soon now if u really do stay there...'

we are still in 2 minds about whether to remain or to move comes the expiration of our rental lease. honestly i prefer not to move for the convenience, not to mention that it will be my fourth major relocation work all overagain and i honestly dont want to handle that all over again. its crazy work.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dusty Memory of someone.

Do u have those days where the least expected people appeared in your dreams? Making it weirder, 2 of the least expected people who doesnt know each other but inexplicably linked in some ways continuously popped into my deep sleep.Am feeling rather restless these few days. Dunno why. Just one of those "stuck in a rut" feeling...

Just read about 'lex's dad who passed away recently in FB. My thoughts are with him. Afterall, he is perhaps singularly the only few rare people, who has always been in sync as to how my brain works. Well technically I am not even sure if we are still counted as friends since we havent spoken for a long while now. Once in a blue moon, there is occasional email correspondence. Almost as rare as the next dinosaur find.

Truth is, 'lex has been the nicest, sweetest chap and I probably have to 'fess up that I probably havent been fairest to him. He is prob the only guy ever in my historical dating past (not that its that many anyway..) that I owe an apology to, even if we are on neutral grounds now.

The last time when we met in a group gathering, I had pretended superficially all was fine, or at least I felt that way. We never talked about what happened, or rather what didnt happen, or what made me walk away. I still remember how very very strange it was, sitting there, chatting, laughing with the rest present. All the while, with our fragile charade going on full steam ahead while the rest remained absolutely clueless about it.

What had made us clicked, was how we were always able to read each other minds so clearly and actions in sync without having to rehearse our act. Funnily, the only time our brains miscued was the "very first time we met" and the "last time we spoke". I still rem he told me that he had tried to get me out on a date and that failed on him utterly. It's a pity mind synchronisation doesnt always work out.

Jealousy is a strange foreign emotion, at least for me. It doesnt happen to me very often. Have I been lucky? Probably. I never had ever need to be jealous of anything nor anyone until u are immerse in a relationship.

The first time the green eye monster hit me, I confronted this jealousy in unexplainable rage. Thinking back, that insane jealousy was irrational but funny. Yet the episode was something to learn from.

The 2nd time it hit me, I was older. I dealt with it with an uber cool exterior facade even when it was eating me up inside out but I wasnt gonna admit to it, nor let anyone see my torment. This jealousy was warranted, overly-rationalised and yet, definitely wasted.

The 3rd time it hit me, perhaps where now I am a tad too logical for love. This time, when jealousy surfaced, I subdued it by irrationally wrapping everything up faster than one can blink... I dont think either of us saw this ending coming, definitely not him. I never once questioned if I had made the decision rightly, we have gone beyond that. Yet mildly, it's peppered with occasional sense of guilt and apologies. I dont know if I did him a favor, or caused him unnecessary heartache. Whatever it was, it was never my intention to make him sad then. Funny how one action will change 2 person's whole life course. My gf had asked me causally some time back, if we were still in contact. When I said no, she told me that she thought it was better decision this way. He's a great chap, just not my chap. There is a saying, some people and some past are really best laid to rest as much as possible.

Whenever the memory of our last conversation should choose to resurface in those rare moments, his last questioning expression, unsaid words will still "haunt" me. Maybe that's why I am still on the run. Running and avoiding his peace offer to have that catch-up drink to date. I might sum up the courage one day, just not today. Cowardly perhaps but I know his sunshine smile will only draw up my guilt. Everytime I pass by Canele, flashes of him will always come to mind combined with a tinge of sadness for that split second. Some calls it retribution. I wonder if it's just me...does he avoid eating at the place like I do now?

Hey at least I know with relief that he has found his other deserving half. Not that I ever doubted he will have any problems being who he is.

In life, they once said "You have a to kiss a few frogs to find your prince."
I think I had kissed a few princes too many in this lifetime.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Safe Alternative to remove black oil grease stains on clothes

What do you do when you have a pair of new pant, but the lower portion of the pant is completely wreaked with those industrial black oil grease stain? Despair...?

My husband came home sheepishly tonight, with this laundry challenge. The first thought that went through my mind was " This new pant is fucked." How am I suppose to salvage it without any grease solvent for fabric? Plus its Khaki and I cannot damn well bleach it?

I tried the first option using VANISH stain remover spray. After a min, I rinse and checked. No good. The black stain was here to stay. My husband was mentally prepared to throw the pant away. I stubbornly refuse to submit defeat.

As I stare at the stain, an idea popped into my head. Chemistry time. What removes oil better than oil based solvent? So I dashed into my bathroom and grab the unexperimented frontier... my oil base make up remover! I figured at the back of my head that if my oil based Shu Umera cleanser is suppose to remove hard core mascara effectively and also safe on face, I reckon its worth a try and not wreak my clothes.

So after drying the pants as much as I can with a towel, I pumped my (expensive) make up remover on the whole black patch and waited for a minute. Then I use my hands and scrub the pants as much as I can.

To my worked!!!
Using pretty warm water to rinse and scrub at the same time, the black stain started to fade!
I repeated the process 2 more times, and the pants gradually returned to its original state without the grease stain! To ensure no oil mark remained, I sprinkled some baking powder on the patch to absorb any remaining oil and rinse. Presto! As good as new!!

So now u know, if you dont have a proper solvent, grab that handy oil based make up remover to for emergency treatment of that stain. (well it worked on cotton pants, not sure about silk and wool).

Ps: (Incidentally, I discovered that the Shu Umera oil based remover worked better than my M.A.C oil cleanser. )

Friday, July 10, 2009

Catching up at BARSTOP

Before I headed back to Sg, it was a spur of the moment that I thought I would gather some close college council and fac caps for a drinks gathering. More people turned up than expected but the greatest reward was seeing some people that I havent seen since we left college.

We decided on Bar Stop, (located at 6 Devonshire Road) as one of our friend Mich was performing there on a Friday eve.

Conversations flowed free and easy. Everything started with the name of the place. We laughed over how other people keep mishearing it as Bus Stop and we got the questions like "Why meet at bus stop in town? What's with the bus stop?" This joke always had be guffawing like a silly bird coz I had asked my gf once the exact same question. I had asked her "Bus stop? So many in orchard, which one?" Luckily she forgot about my embarrassing moment and I get to live it down..

It was interesting to catch up on how everyone has been doing, still doing or plan to do. Has it been 17 years now?! Crap! Suddenly I feel really old...

I was most impressed with Mich. She has the most powerful vocal voice I have heard and I was in awe. When she was in between breaks to catch up with us, I told her I never knew she could sing like that!! Granted I knew she had always been in band, but I had never had the honor to hear her hear like a song lark till this trip! Talk about life surprises! She laughed and said she has always love to sing but was a little shy back then to perform before a crowd in school. Right now, apart from performing at Barstop, she even has her own vocal coaching studio "Stay Nuts" in, working side by side with her hubby. She loved every moment and everything she is doing. She is working her dream. She deserved all these happiness!

The funniest moment was when the rest of her band joined in our table, it was even more surprising that I knew her sax' player! He had looked familiar to me but I couldnt put a finger as to where I had seen him. It wasnt when the boys started chatting and halfway through, I mentioned about something and dang! He caught it and asked "I knew you since Sec 1 then!" Shit! 20years of misplaced history. Ha! Astonishment filled the air and we started swopping details and stories from our youthful days and indeed, we had even been in the same join-school excursion together to Msia for some art programme. Some stories were hilarious, some left some of the guys gaping in shock about some of their horny seniors... when all the old stories started spilling out -about the boys and the girls. Finally stories from both side of the "missionary" fences come to merge as one. Funny.

By the time the place closes, Mich insisted on giving us a ride to catch up more. It had been a crazy day for her with loads of MJ dedication since the news of his death broke thru the media, so she had little time to spare earlier... She lived pretty near my bro's place, so we had a nice long drive back catching up. Through the stories, you just realise you really cannot tell what is in store for you in life. God has a funny way of throwing a curve ball at you and you just have to catch it and deal with the changes.

We promised to catch up more but alas, my schedule was packed to the brim and I didnt have a chance to see her and her little boy this trip. No matter, I'm sure there will be a chance and way to go Mich!

Dinner at Clarke Quay

This trip back to singapore has been relatively fruitful, considering how I managed to squeeze time to see so many people in a short trip. I guess it helps when it is done in groups. Ha!

The first nite back, had Indonesian dinner @ Clarke Quay with some ex-colleagues. It's amazing how a decade pass us by in a blink before we knew it! From relative wide eye bambi, everyone has gone from looking for love to settling down, having kids and being a hands on parents.

We girls were talking about controlling rice intake, and before I knew it, E pointed out to me and asked "Didnt you say you have too much rice?" I gasped in horror that unknowingly and habitually clearin my plate, the whole plate of rice has gone down my tummy. I yelped out in despair "Too late toolate!! U should have told me BEFORE i ate everything!!" I could envision more gruelling hours in the gym than intended...sigh..The girls laughed...

To all those women out there who have been dissing on our poor suffering Singapore men, you must be either super suay (unlucky) or blind, or just after empty romance. All the SG men I know who are daddies - are the most hands on, independent parent compared to other countries I have been. That doesnt apply to all of coz, but generally Singapore man are relatively dependable. So quit bitching about how unromantic they are and look for something that counts even more. Then again, maybe it is just my era of men. I wont hold hopes on some young dudes with plucked eyebrows, dyed funny crop, hanging out their underpants to be of parental model... here's my friend who single handedly managed her daughter during our group dinner date.

Some Kids are really easy to "con" at times. Promise them icecream or something sweet that they like, they would instantly finish their meal in a split second and even proudly show you their empty plate. Having said that, it is also important not to back out on your promise or they probably wont trust u anymore. This little girl had a taster of every icecream favour before settling down on the dark choc. She totally rejected strawberry. Ah... a little girl after my own heart. haaa

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Such distinct service different In HK and SG

Was grocery shopping at Jason's supermarket today. Something that I had pretty much taken for granted suddenly became acutely obvious today. I just realise how much more pleasant it is to shop in HK supermarket than in Singapore (barring Wellcome since I dont shop there enough to pass any judgement)

In Singapore, both NTUC and cold storage are the primarily supermarket. Personally, I had always prefered Cold Storage to NTUC because historically they stocked a wider variety than NTUC though on my recent trip, this difference seemed to be disappearing and they could have jolly well be run by the same management and buyers judging from the display shelves.

The point to note is how in HK, may it be Jasons Market place, or Gourmet supermarket or even Park and Shop, I always get greeted by any passing supermarket staff. They would always say "thank you for shopping" or "feel free to look around" something to that effect. When I asked for help, I am ALWAYS greeted with a PATIENT staff who will normally attend to my queries politely and unhurriedly. It doesnt matter if I speak cantonese or English, I get same treatment.

In Singapore, the experience was a little less than desirable. Forget the customer greeting. I will be lucky if I can find any available staff to help with my queries, and hoping not answering me in a sullen looking face, or impatient note. It's something about their tone and volume that is quite unappealing. Once in a while, I will get a nice gentle auntie who is not acting like she needs to talk in such great speed because she is dying or something.

Take a comparison. In Singapore supermarkets, I was asking if they have other Twinning Tea flavours and all I got was a snappy "No, dont have.", in some places, I get some clueless look, mumbles and then finally "No."

Today in Jasons in HK, I was asking a staff who was doing stocking and inventory check. He paused his work immediately, stood up and face me with a smile asking how he could be of help. There was no pissed off scowl for disturbing him or taking him away from what he was focusing on. Instead, he patiently listened to me and when he finally understood what I was looking for (he wasnt versed in knowing what Milo was called in English and I didnt know the Cantonese way of saying) , he told me apologetically that they dont stock in. He didnt just stop there. He went the extra mile, suggesting other possible options of packet drinks. I declined politely explaining they taste different and he politely apologise again for not having the item I needed.

THIS, what I experience today, this is service. It is not the first time I had such polite replies when I did item enquires in Hk. I just didnt notice how polite they were because I had forgotten how brusque Singaporean staff are when interrupted. This is what Singapore service industry is missing in our franchise and corporate chains.

We really have a long long long way to go and improve. Is it the training department at fault, the staff we employed at fault or just the whole Singapore culture at fault? Until we find out the root cause, we will never surpass HK in their service industry.

Cheap and good muscular massage in HK

Just as my husband and I were lamenting about our fav massage couple moving away from causeway bay due to higher rental, I found another HK massage therapist at an equally reasonable rate @HK$200 an hour (~SG$40/hr)! What is most important is that she is really good and I have had her doing my massage for over a month now. My husband was overjoyed that he can have that neckache attended to once again.

As I was telling my friends the other day while I was back in SG, while the quality of environment in HK may not match up to Singapore in terms of drinkable tap water, cleaner air and healthier outdoor lifestyle options, yet in terms of lifestyle in HK, I am beginning to embrace it wholeheartedly. If you are patient enough, look hard enough, you can get many services and courses at a much cheaper prices here in Hk than Singapore.

Apart from massage, even tennis lessons in HK was surprisingly cheaper than Singapore. I rem I was quoted at least SG$70/hr back then, but in HK, I can easily find any decent english speaking coach to travel to my place for HK$200/hr (~SG$40/hr).

Throw in staff discounts and private staff sales for many luxury brands due to Hk ex-colleagues, honestly, I dont care to pay for full price on any material stuff anymore.

HK is a land of goodies. Maybe because there are a greater pool of "hungry" people out there trying to make a decent living here in HK than SG. I sure am gonna miss these extras when I ever leave this place.

No yoga for me

I tried Yoga when I was back in Singapore. My gf has been into it for months now. She would hit the gym for the lunch and morning classes before she head to work.

She asked if I was interested to join her for the 7am yoga. Hell no! Much that I want to keep fit, waking up at crack of dawn for exercise is too much of a stretch for me. I was joking with her that if I wont even wake up at 6am to have fornicate, she can forget about me travelling to gym for workout with a sweaty class of at least 10 others.

So in the end, we went for another Dynamic Yoga class in the eve. While I was impressed with the instructor out of this world snaking of limbs all over her torso, yet Honestly, I dont really quite like it. Not for the fact that I couldnt complete half of those twisting poses and stances, but rather I find those poses if done incorrectly will cause more damages to your neck and lower backs since there are alot of repetitive actions and requires very specific postures. Of course I admire those young ladies who seemed to have no problems stretching their limbs to the limit. I have a super lazy ham string and in no way, I would split my legs and body apart like the instructor.

Unlike in all the yoga classes I have tried where very little warning or focus was placed on how to align your weight properly; in my pilate classes, we learn about correct postures, about aligning your spinebones, and restacking them correctly everytime you lay down and get up. We learn to control excessive hips movements and more cautiously aware about the weight one puts on your back without pushing all the weight on your lower back muscles. There are great varieties in footworks and overall stretches and building of the core muscles. I'm not sure how the mat pilates goes but I sure love my reformer allergro equip pilates.

Maybe the yoga class in singapore I went to wasnt the best or most condusive for beginners. Afterall its yoga class conducted in a gym, not a proper yoga house. The indian instructor was too fast in her instructions, and I doubt she seriously had time to focus on the correct postures of each students in a class of over 15 people in an hour. Then again, I have already tried out 3 different yoga in different countries and each time I wasnt wow by it while in comparison, I love pilates the first time I tried it in Sydney.

When I was back in pilates yesterday, my pilates instructor was sharing her first time experience with Hot Yoga.

She told us she was horrified by the experience, the fact it was so hot and hard to breathe and the class was crammed with 30 over other sweaty people. She had thought she would try it as her best friend loved it to bits and dragged her along. My instructor too shared the same views, that Yoga is not ideal for people with neck, shoulder or back problems because done wrongly, one can incur more damages due to the repeated actions required and incorrectly placed stress. (So maybe one on one may be better or at least a really small class) One of another girl also shared her distaste for large yoga class and made me laugh so hard when she said, this guy next to her in Hot Yoga class was "spraying" all his sweat all over her and it was disgusting!!

Well, I guess yoga or pilates is a personal thing and preference. Though I realise Pilates in Singapore is much more expensive than the one in HK. I checked sky pilates located in town, its at least SG$10 more ex per lesson than my Hk lesson for package of 10 as a comparison. Then again if its a small class, I wont mind signing up if I ever get back.

Sigh. Everything in SG is getting more expensive.
Thankfully the Sg haircut and clinic visit are still cheaper than HK.

Success! Weight down!

The whole 2 weeks I was back in SG, I refuse to abandon on my exercise routine since I felt I was making headways with the progress. The pilates classes have certainly improve my abs muscles and tone my arms over the month. However I knew I had to remove the fats from aerobic exercises before the results can be more evidently seen.

Hyatt Singapore hotel has a great gym. Even when I have stayed there countless times in the past, I have never once used the gym till now. Aint sure if it has always been this great or due to the recent renovation. While I love the threadmill, the only thing I hate about it is that when you underquote your calories burn target, the whole equipment shuts down when target reached with no room for u to increase it midway. So it was pretty disruptive to my run the first time I used the machine.

Its damn satisfying when you know your stamina gets better and better. It has been less than a month and I never did expect to feel so fit so rapidly. Of course it "disgusts" my partner seeing how I can be completely inactive for 3 years and yet gain back my stamina and fitness level so rapidly. He always complain how I can make it look so easy. I gloatingly told him I have good genes. haaaaaa

I didnt want to give up my sweets and so I still snack on small choc cakes on and off but more infrequently now. The feeling "wasting" my hard works overrode my desire to wolf those cakes down in huge slices. Thankfully I have never been a food junkie so its much much easier for me to impose some self discipline.

Woke up this morning and decided to weigh myself. Well here's my report card, with the aim of clearing about 500 calories each gym trip, at least twice a week.
I have lost 2 kg now! Cool!
(I think if I didnt over ate at home with my mum's glorious home cook food, it might get better.)

The good thing is that the 2 kg lost isnt just water loss. I could actually feel my calf muscles toning up. There was this morning that I woke up and surprise surprise, I could see the effect of pilates on my abs muscles that are mildy visibly defined now. The running made my tummy look flatter but the pilates improve the conditions and look of the abs muscles. Coool!

Of course the stubborn lump of lard at the lower belly is still hard to remove but I am determine to get there.

So I dont understand why people would rather choose the unsafe lazy way of losing fats from consumption of drugs and formulas, or stupidly go into unnecessary dieting. All u need is really an hour at least twice a week to exercise to rid yourself of some weight.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Singapore- Not so great experiences

Finally flew back to Hk last night. While I cannot say I miss Singapore in general with all the noisy endless construction going on everywhere without any tranquil quiet respite, I definitely miss my family and friends.

Life was busier the last 2 weeks catching up with as many people as possible, balancing that with keeping to my gym routine. It was hard trying to slot people into free slots since most of friends are working. Still, it was satisfying as I managed to see more than I had expected.

I dont like shopping in Singapore.
Apart from the fact that variety is not that great, the sale items are actually still more expensive than those I saw in HK taking Nike for example.

It grinds me when Singapore shopping mall staff talk rudely, or really quite clueless. Take for example when I went to CK Tangs as they were having pretty good bra sales. I was asking for a size 34 and the total "vacant" in the the head sales girl tried to tell me about cup size. I patiently explain to her, I need the right size and she keep talking about cup size. I got fed up and told her cup size has nothing to do with the circumference size. 34, 36 are an indication of how broad your chest area is irrespective of how gigantic your tits are. This sales girl looking about mid twenties went blank like no one ever told her how to read bra size. She keep harping about cup. I got fed up and move to another brand. She is a lady and she has no clue about selling a bra. What a freaking joke.

Then move to Calvin Klein and the auntie keep trying to promote her slow moving bra stock, even when I have explicitly told her I dont want lacy see through ones, she keep trying to hardsell those I had already said no. And those that I want, she just said "No size" and walked off looking disinterested. It was exasperating.

Then I went to Robinson at Centerpoint to try to buy my down feather pillow. They didnt carry the brand I wanted. This auntie asked me what I wanted and I told her, and she said "have have" So i followed her. However, it was firmer than I liked and so I declined but she kept telling me its cheap about $170 after discount. I looked at her and said no way. I shared I had gotten my down pillow much cheaper at closer to $100 at a sale. She looked at me incredulously and said its impossible. She insisted I was wrong and NO WAY a down pillow can be that cheap. I told her I got it in a sale few years ago but she kept insisting I was wrong and it must be mixed down and feather. I was getting exasperated. Why do people keep trying to tell me I am wrong in Singapore?? Finally I cut her off by saying politely "Auntie, I think I know how to read my pillow label tag that say 100% down" She was a bit taken and then stumbled saying yah yah. I walked off with my friend. My friend asked me "Why do you even bother to explain so nicely to her? I would have walked off." I dont know, I guess i respect the fact she is just trying to earn a living but I disliked the way I was being talked down.

On a separate occasion, I was taking a cab back home from the MRT station area designated taxi stand. It is pretty infuriating when you see other selfish inconsiderate people flagging taxis just further down the road, totally ignoring the line of people in the taxi Q. What is even more upsetting was the blue comfort cabs who picked these ruthless people up, upsetting the people in the Q. In that 20mins I was standing watch, only the silver cabs, the red cabs driver who dropped people off before the stand rejected these inconsiderate cab stealers. The comfort cab drivers seemed not to care so long they have business in their back seat.

When I boarded this new blue comfort cab, I gave the driver the exact road name and the complex name. This uncle paused, creased brows and tell me he never heard of such a road name in this area. I was taken back. My brother's place (road) is like there for coming to 10years. The taxi driver insisted there is no such road and asked me if it was street xx instead. I told him no, its not anywhere near there but the driver said that is the ONLY area that has condo in the vicinity. I was trying very hard not to snap when he kept telling me I AM WRONG for a few mins, the taxi driver tell me HE KNEW EVERY ROAD NAME in the region and there is no such road I am telling him.

I got fed up and finally told him "I lived there my dear and I will guide you, just drive." I wasnt sure if it was the "my dear" that caught him off guard or he sensed I ran out of patience. He started to drive without a word. I dont even know why the dear word came out..maybe when I deal with really incompetence people these days, I tried not to let them feel too stupid I supposed.

Halfway to my destination, he suddenly spoke very politely to me, without the earlier affronting attitude. "Oh yes I rem now, there is this road name. I rem where it is now. I thought u were referring to those EC condos". I was too tired to point out that how cocky he was earlier and how he shouldnt berate me as if I didnt know better. I just let him off the hook.

When I was departing at the airport, the non chinese security guy pissed me off as well. He was barking his orders at all the people putting stuff through the X rays. He was rushing people when there was plenty of time. This Hk mother and daughter forgot to remove the water bottle from the bags and this airport security staff snapped at them to discard the bottles. The mum started to drink the water on the spot, but he yelled at them "Cannot drink here!! Outside! Outside!" The mum was abit taken back and walked out meekly. When it was my turn, he brusquely asked if I had laptop. Then he snapped at me to take out my unzipped cardigan. Before I can even take a breath, he yelled at me to take my boots off. "Off! Off! Boots Off!" It was annoying the way he talk to me like I was some kid that was being reprimanded. So in a moment of spite and rebel, I zipped off my boots and threw them pretty hard into the tray, twice. He looked up and I glared at him. I have no issues with compliance if u request it politely, I would be happy to oblige. However dont talk to me as if you are damn smart just because you filled your little pretty head with a false sense of superiority, due to this little power to order people around. He was not even worthy for me to tell him off. It would be a waste of energy.

When I was lining up waiting to show my boarding pass, several HK passengers were always talking about the "illtreatment" and comparing it to their service in HK airport. I have to agree, Hk airport was a much much more plesant experience, both in and out for me.

If this non chinese changi airport terminal one staff is a shining example of many other airport staff behaviour, leaving such a bad taste in every departing travellers, it will be a miracle that Singapore Airport ranking can remain in top 10.

What is wrong with Singapore toilets?

What is it with Singapore Toilets, not to mention this prevalent missing supply of hand dryer paper?? This is getting absurd!

Apart from Tampines One toilets not having any hand tissue, neither does Central Mall @ Clarke Quay and the shopping center next to Isetan Scotts in Orchard!! What the heck?!!

I was complaining about this disgusting irrational phenomenal to my Singapore friends. I had a range of other stories. About how their company bosses tried to be "Smart" and decide to cut cost as well by removing the supply of hand papers in their office toilet. The result, a messier than necessary toilet that is so unbecoming. After a few months, the bosses decided "
Oops I am such a moron" and reversed their earlier decision. Bless the Hand dryer papers.

I too heard of stories about how some people will wash their legs in the the hand sink and then use a thick stack of the hand paper to dry off their feet. While I wont comment on the rationale of their need to wash their feet but if its a must, hence bring your own feet towel instead.

The worst lot is the selfish cheapskate bastards that really put me off. They STEAL the public hand dryer paper for their own selfish needs, so they can save a few bucks themselves and inconvenience everyone else. These people really need to be told off man. However Singapore being a passive lot didnt, and in the end? Everyone suffers (in silence) and in convenience without paper supply.

Apart from missing hand dryer papers, I dread heading to Singapore public toilet. If I can hold it till I return to hotel, I would. Several times (frequently) in public toilets, I would pray, hold my breath and push open the toilet door, just praying the seat is not wet and stain with pee, The floor is not wet with pee, the floor is not messy with wet tissue bits strewn all over and that the ladies didnt forget to flush leaving huge tissue mess inside the toilet bowl. Honestly, toilet use is not rocket science. Why do women ( I cannot speak for men here) keep abusing every public toilets? Even if you cannot spare a thought for the next user, think about the employed person who is paid (poorly) to clean up your mess!

The next lot of offenders I really want to scream my head in disgust are those bitches who are too fucking stupid, and I mean absolute stupid to use the sanitary bin. How hard is it to wrap up your bio waste and step on the bin pedal to throw your waste away? Instead, there are selfish people who leave their used stained pad wide open sitting on TOP OF THE BIN, in full public display. You know how fucking disgusting is that regardless of gender??? WHY ARE YOU STUPID BITCH TOO STUPID TO EVEN ROLL UP YOUR USED PAD AND WRAP IT WITH THE TISSUE ROLL??

Yeah sure, some people think its just a small matter. Why kick up a fuss. Bring your own tissue. Or this is the way for years, live with it. Sure I can do that but that is missing the whole big picture completely. The big picture is what is happening to our Singapore society? Such a simple counter bad toilet behaviour speaks volume about the mindset, culture and bred of people living in this state. Without making any effort to constantly highlight this gaps, there will never be improvements.

Till this day, my mum, friends and siblings will still think about the really clean, bright and relatively odorless toilets in most major malls in HK (on HK side) I had brought them to. This is excluding those kids centric toilets with lower sinks and cubicles.

When I was in Singapore, I really miss those HK toilets like in IFC. I miss those Hk Toilet Ah yi as well who really makes the effort to wipe the seat down to ensure its clean too or at times offer to hand me the hand dryer paper. Its a relatively pleasant experience.

Singapore toilets, most of you are really a huge disgrace after so many years. Even those with "Ok" label, you still have a stench.